LL-L "Songs" 2005.10.26 (03) [E/French]
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Thu Oct 27 00:28:02 UTC 2005
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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26 October 2005 * Volume 03
From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2005.10.26 (01) [E]
On 27/10/2005, at 1:00 AM, R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com> wrote:
Many a time a supposedly charming children's verse turns out to hide
naughtiness (like the French song _Au claire de la lune_).
Ron are you referring to the old variant (pardon my rusty French).
"Oh mon pauvre aveigle
Voulez vous des oeufs ?"
"Non merci madame,
J'ai encore mes deux !"
If not please elaborate to this curious scholar.
Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us
Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us
Robert Burns
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Songs
Hi, Tom!
I didn't know that one. But ... yes ... We *are* dealing with today's
compatriots of a certain Rabbie Nauchtie Burns. Who knows what kind of
stuff has been going on for centuries up there in that little country full
of guys in windswept skirts? ;-)
Well, I was referring to the usual version of the song. Ain't that enough?
Elaborate?! Don't the words speak for themselves? ... And don't you dare
insinuate I have a dirty mind, young man!
(an English version below)
"Au clair de la lune,
Mon ami Pierrot,
Prête-moi ta plume
Pour écrire un mot.
Ma chandelle est morte,
Je n'ai plus de feu :
Ouvre-moi ta porte
Pour l'amour de Dieu"
Au clair de la lune,
Pierrot répondit :
"Je n'ai pas de plume,
Je suis dans mon lit.
Va chez la voisine,
Je crois qu'elle y est,
Car dans sa cuisine,
On bat le briquet."
Au clair de la lune,
L'aimable Lubin
Frappe chez la brune
Qui répond soudain :
"Qui frappe de la sorte ?"
Il dit à son tour :
"Ouvrez votre porte
Pour un dieu d'amour."
Au clair de la lune,
On n'y voit qu'un peu.
On chercha la plume,
On chercha du feu.
En cherchant d'la sorte
Je n'sais c'qu'on trouva,
Mais je sais qu'la porte
Sur eux se ferma !
English translation: Anonymous
"At thy door I'm knocking, by the pale moonlight
Lend a pen, I pray thee, I've a word to write
Guttered is my candle, my fire burns no more
For the love of heaven, open up the door!"
Pierrot cried in answer by the pale moonlight
"In my bed I'm lying, late & chill at night
Yonder at my neighbour's, someone is astir
Fire is freshly kindled, get a light from her."
To the neighbour's house then, by the pale moonlight
Goes our gentle Lubin to beg a pen to write
"Who knocks there so softly?" calls a voice above
"Open wide your door now for the God of Love!"
Seek they pen and candle by the pale moonlight
They can see so little since dark is now the night
What they find while seeking, that is not revealed
All behind her door is carefully concealed!
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