LL-L "Levity" 2005.08.31 (11) [E/LS]
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Thu Sep 1 06:02:46 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 31.AUG.2005 (11) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
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From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Levity"
Leeve Lowlanners-
(English below)
Gott schall bedankt ween- uns Reinhard is schyynts weller opp 'n Damm! Ick
hevv jo all anfungen, my Sorgen tou mooken üm uns Master syn Moud- kunnst
schrieven, wat du wullst, he anter jümmer mit Riemels! Hesst em 'n ennige
Froog tou jichenseyn etymoloog'sch Themen stellt- hey moyk dor 'n Gedicht
van. Kunnst em gänzli' wat vöör 'n Bregen hau'n- hey anter all weller mit
Riemeley. Dor weyr heyl keyn Hand an dennen Kerdel tou kriegen....
Ick woyr all bang, wat wy 'n niegen Koptein föör uns Schipp soyken müssen,
man: dat woyr jo ne ohn' Meuterey affgoon :-).
Schull hey woll mit syn Fleyger, de em no Seattle trychbrocht hett, n' Ümweg
över dat Bermuda- Dreyeck mookt hebben??
Loot uns eyrst avvtoyven, woans hey sick nu toukoymstig anstellen deyt. Man-
wy mööt opp 'n Posten blieven un föör Gewalt opp em Obacht geven :-)!
Dear Lowlanders,
Thanks to God! Our Ron seems to be back on the bridge! I had been in great
sorrows for our master's mind- all postings he answered with rhymes! Any
serious questions about etymological matters he quitted with a poem. Even
when provocated he again made a rhymed answer. Impossible to get any hand at
this fellow...
I was afraid we would have to look after a new captain for our ship, but: it
wouldn't have worked without mutinity :-).
Did he make any detour with his plane to Seattle crossing the
Let's wait and see, how he will behave himself in future. But we still have
to watch out and always must carefully observe him :-)!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Levity
[Glossary below]
Jonny! Mann! Du old Slicksleef!
Wat hest in'n Sinn? Dinkst as 'n Deef?
Wullt Du mi eerstdaags an den Lief?
Dat in Dien Mau ... Is dat 'n Knief?
Meenst, Du kriggst mi as Mallen faat?
Hest al för mi 'n Dwangsjack praat?
'Keen wullt Du spälen? Dokter Freud?
Schriffst mi labiel or paranoid?
An dennen Tüüp bün ik al wennt:
Nöömst "plietsch" mi, denn "inkompetent",
Slickst an mi ran mit smerig Smielen,
Ehr dat in'n Rügg mi schüttst mit Pielen.
Stabiel sünd se, mien Brägenkassen,
Mien Hart vun Wennen, Mood vun Sassen.
Meenst wull, Du slickst mi in'n Sinn.
Dat kannst vergäten. Kümmst nich rin.
De Kumpelmenten, wat schœlt de?
Honnig üm 't Muul, so pö-a-pö?
Un denn de Püschoanalüüs' ...
Ik rüük 'n Rott. Nu mark ik Müüs'.
Wat kehrt Di 't, of ik kaam or gah?
Wat hest in'n Sinn? 'n Kudetah?
Du Fletscher Krischaan? Ik Kaptain Blei?
Ik laat Di kielhaaln, Düvels-Ei!
©2005, R. F. Hahn
Blei: Bligh
Brägenkassen: ("brain box") head, skull
Deef: thief
Düvels-Ei: ("devil's egg")
Dwangsjack: straitjacket
eerstdaags: anyday now
ehr: before
faat kriegen: catch, get, seize
Fletscher: Fletcher
Honnig: honey
'keen (< wokeen): who, whom
kehrn: concern
kielhaaln: keelhaul
Knief: knife
Krischaan: Christian
Kudetah: coup d'état
Kumpelmenten: compliments
laat: have ..., cause to (be) ...
Lief: body, an den __ willen: to plan to harm
Mallen: lunatic
Mau: sleeve
meenst: (you) mean, believe, think
Mood: courage
Muul: mouth
Müüs': mice; ___ marken ("sense mice"): get the drift
nöömst: (you) call/name
Pielen: arrows
plietsch: clever, sharp
pö-a-pö: (peu-à-peu) little by little
praat: ready
Püschoanalüüs': psychoanalysis
Rott: rat
Rügg: back
rüük: smell
Sassen: Saxons
schœlt: (they) shall, are supposed to (accomplish/mean)
schriffst: (you) write, declare, commit as
schüttst: (you) shoot
Sinn: sense, mind; in den ___ hebben: have in mind
Slicksleef: hoodlum, scoundrel, bum
slickst: (you) sneak, slide, slip
smerig: greasy, slippery
Smielen: smile, smiling
spälen: play, pretend to be
Tüüp: type
üm: around, about
Wennen: ("Wends") Slavs (of Germany)
wennt: accustomed
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