LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.03 (03) [E/French/German]

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Sat Sep 3 23:21:10 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 03.SEP.2005 (03) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.02 (04) [E/LS/German]

Heiko wrote:
> Schulunterricht in vielen Fächern auf Platt durchführen zu können. Eine
> Sprache hat nämlich (meines Erachtens) nur dann eine Chance, wenn die
> mit dieser Sprache aufwächst, und dazu ist es auch nötig, die Jugend in
> Schule in dieser Sprache zu unterrichten, z.B. in einer Schule, in der
> umschichtig die Hälfte aller Fächer auf Platt unterrichtet wird. Und dazu
> brauchen wir eben auch mathematisches Fachvokabular. Ich denke, wenn wir
> wollen, daß Platt eine echte Zukunft hat, dann führt da kein Weg drum

Maybe, but do you honestly think it will ever happen? At the same time,
children could be learning an international foreign language instead, one
that will help them get a good job later in life. Why learn Platt instead
just to keep a handful of ardent linguists happy? I cannot imagine a lot of
parents would go with your approach - and if they did, their children might
not be too happy with it on the long run.

Mind you, I also think it would be nice to keep the language alive, and wish
people hadn't given up on it, but as long as you cannot come up with any
true benefits for the future, I think this approach isn't going to go
anywhere. It's just wishful thinking.

Sad, but realistic,
Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Language survival

[English explanations below]

"Mais le français est le plus bel et le plus gracious language et plus noble 
parler qui soit au monde,"*[1] said John to Robert as the last Norman ship 
left the quay southward bound, sent off with cheerless adieus by a few 
remaining Normans and their English kin, "et de touz genz mieulx prisée et 
amée que nul autre."*[2]
"Oui, mon chièr ami. Uouz parlites la uérité," responded Robert, "L'anglais 
de nos aïeulz, bien que chela leur ait semblé bien doux et semble touz jourz 
doux à quelques raueurz, est archaïque, compathement grossier et condamné à 
mort. Il est deuenu gauche, inutile en reisoun de sa pouerté."[3]
"Chertainement," John agreed, "Uouz l'hauez exposé bien. Bien que che soit 
l'aube d'un nouel aäge sous la dominaunce anglaise récupérée dauns le 
reialme, nouz deuonz penser de fachoun réaliste. Le monde doit reconnaistre 
que le français est le plus utile de deux, qu'il est le language de 
l'auenir, apres latin d'escole."[4]
"Oui," said Robert, smiling, "nouz deuonz seurement estre comptéz parmi la 
plus grande pertie d'hommez, d'hommez de uisioun clere."[5]
* These are actual Norman French chunks of the 14th century.
*[1] "But French is the most beautiful and gracious language and the most 
noble in the world to speak," …
*[2] … "and everyone admires and loves it as none other."
[3] "Yes, my dear friend. You spoke the truth. The English of our forebears, 
though it seemed well sweet to them and still seems sweet to a few dreamers, 
is archaic, comparatively coarse, and condemned to death. It has become 
awkward, useless due to its poverty."
[4] "Certainly. You stated it well. Though this is the dawn of a new age 
under English dominance regained in the realm, we must think realistically. 
The world must concede that French is the more useful of the two, is the 
language of the future, *second only to the Latin of our school days."
[5] "Yes, we must surely be counted among the better part of men, men of 
clear vision."

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