LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.08 (02) [E/German]
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Thu Sep 8 16:16:03 UTC 2005
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.07 (12) [E]
Dear Heiko,
> I just want to know
> whether you *say* "ganz" or "heel" and whether or not there is a
> difference
> between these two.
Ooohh- sorry, man!!!!
A little difference, of course- we never would say *ganz*, because we aspect
it to be an unnecessary loan from HG. But- maybe it's indispensable for
writers of New-Wave-Platt**. I don't feel authorized to give any advise
** "New|wave [':] der; -, auch: New Wave der; - - <engl.>: neue Richtung in
der Rockmusik, die durch einfachere Formen (z. B. in der Instrumentierung,
im Arrangement), durch Verzicht auf Perfektion u. durch zeitgemäße Texte
gekennzeichnet ist
© Duden - Das Fremdwörterbuch. 7. Aufl. Mannheim 2001."
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: Críostóir Ó Ciardha <paada_please at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.07 (09) [E]
Our Jonny wrote:
"Sorry- my answer wouldn't be worth a penny, because I'm just a speaker of
and not a writer!"
Write it as you speak it, using whatever orthography you feel comfortable
Go raibh maith agat,
From: Roger Hondshoven <roger.hondshoven at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2005.09.07 (12) [E]
Hi you there,
In my experience, in Dutch and in Flemish dialects 'gans' is a 'paper'
word, seldom used in spoken, natural speech. The normal word, to me, is
Roger Hondshoven
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology
For what it's worth (being a writer *and* speaker but not a member of the
Académie Saxonne in Bremerhaven), I say _ganz_ in Hamburg Low Saxon, because
in the local dialect, as in most or all Lower Elbe dialects, it is *the*
word, and some people don't understand _heel_. However, I do feel more
comfortable with _heel_ and prefer using it. Here in Seattle, where there
are speakers from various locations in an association, the distribution of
_ganz_ and _heel_ is about 50-50%.
By the way, both words are used in the Middle Saxon of Hanseatic times,
i.e., through much of the middle ages.
"Nu keem dor ober Schwung achter den GANZEN Krom!"
"De annern stuken em torech un von dor an gung dat mit em un he wöör den
GANZEN Obend de beste Kerl, denn 'n denken kann."
"He is en GANZ ruhigen, ober 'n stäbigen Kirl, hett all rein so'n beeten wat
von 'n Buuck, dat kummt von all dat Beer supen."
Günter Diekhoff, President of "De Lüüd von Ossentorm," Imsum, near
Bremerhaven, in an anniversary speech in Bremerhaven, 2003
Ja, sunnerbar un wunnerbar!
Segg an: Wer harr dat dacht?
Wer’t seggt harr noch vœr dörtig Jahr,
Den harr man lud belacht.
De Kinner lehrt al in de Schol:
Dat weer so grof, so rog,
Paß höchstens in’e Kœk bi’n Kohl
Un achter Putt un Plog.
"Plattdütsch in Chicago," Klaus Groth, 1819-1899
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