LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.16 (10) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Fri Sep 16 21:03:40 UTC 2005
L O W L A N D S - L * 16.SEP.2005 (10) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Luc Hellinckx <luc.hellinckx at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Language survival"
Beste Jonny,
You wrote:
> Or- just a kind of severe paranoia in my mind? I think this to be of
> greatest propability, and I should go to an analyst for the first time in
> my
> life. But- perhaps there is anyone on the list being experienced in
> attacks
> of these kind, able to help with therapeutical advises ;-)?
Maybe it's just a mild case of "Germanitis"?
Even though you can get it in some other parts of the world too (noia,
saudade, spleen, mal d'Africa...), you may suffer from a combined, virulent
attack of _Weltschmerz_ and _Sehnsucht_, induced by your _Heimat_.
A permanent, high dose of _Habseligkeiten_ will definitely cure you *s*.
You can now get up from the couch.
Kind greetings,
Luc Hellinckx
From: Isaac M. Davis <isaacmacdonalddavis at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language survival" 2005.09.15 (13) [E]
Regarding "Europe's Lost Tribes": I didn't spot the Biblical reference, if
that's what it is, and frankly, even with that spin on it, I think it's
silly. But that's a stylistic quibble, as well as a wary reaction to what I
see as just another example of a frustrating and frustratingly ubiquitous
mindset (which I think is very American, but then, I should admit that I'm
biased against the Americans, just like I'm sure I would be against the
English, were I Cornish or Welsh or Scottish).
Larry Granberg wrote:
> But in a very real sense much of the people described do
> feel lost in that they have lost touch with their unique heritage.
> Starosta (Mayor) Lubica Dzuganova of Tychy Potok, the
> youngest and first woman mayor in Slovakia and Rusyn activist
> once said that "We (Rusyns) are all lost in a Europe that didn't
> care if our culture and language lived or died out, we are lost in a
> Europe that doesn't even know us". Issac, several Rusyn
> leaders are overjoyed that Time did indeed tell them that they
> were lost.
Well, I guess that's fine for them. But it seems to me that it's one thing
for them to describe themselves as lost, and another for Time to declare
them to be "Lost Tribes". It's great that they took it so positively.
> However>>>always a however>>>I looked upon the article as a
> starting point to where you could respond to in the opinions
> column and show up the errors or the rather outdated thinking.
> How many times in major (news) print have you seen anything
> concerning either Rusyns or Sorbs or Frisian? Granted, it was
> more like The Idiot's Guide to Culture 101 and the author could
> certainly have used better labels, but then again the article was
> never meant for an audience made up of knowledgeable
> linguists, historians, etc. I would rather save the outrage and
> indignation if Time would continue to use those loaded terms.
And that's fair. As I said, I hadn't even started reading the article yet; I
was just taking issue with the title. Lost, maybe, but pairing lost and
tribes just makes it sound like they're making ethnic and linguistic
minorities in Europe out to be something they're not.
Isaac M. Davis
Westron wynd, when wilt thou blow
The smalle rain down can rain
Christ yf my love were in my arms
And I yn my bed again
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