LL-L "Etymology" 2005.09.19 (04) [A/E]

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Mon Sep 19 16:19:12 UTC 2005

L O W L A N D S - L * 19.SEP.2005 (04) * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L Etymology" 2005.09.15 (12) [A/N]

Haai almal,

Interessant, Ingmar, dat jy s?:
Het Nederlands heeft zowel "sinds" als "sedert". Dat laatste woord klink
erg formeel en ouderwets...

In Afrikaans is 'sedert' die gebruiklike maar ouer mense (plus 70) gebruik
nog 'sinds'.

Elsie Zinsser


From: Roger Hondshoven <roger.hondshoven at pandora.be>
Subject: LL-L "Etymology" 2005.09.18 (05) [D/E]

Hello Ron,

Interesting word, that grasswidow. Dutch has 'grasweduwe' and 'onbestorven
weduwe, weduwnaar'.
Next to that, it also has 'groene weduwe', which is defined by Van Dale as
"gehuwde vrouw die zich na een aantal huwelijksjaren gefrustreerd voelt
omdat zij geen taak in de maatschappij meer kan krijgen".
In East-Brabant, in Getelands dialects we have another fine word, be it with
a different meaning: 'haagweduwe' /haagweef/ "unmarried mother". The word
'haag' "hedge" is used in a particular meaning in a number of compound nouns
and expressions: 'haagschool' "truancy", extant in Kiliaan's 16th century
Dutch-Latin dictionary as 'haegh-schole' "schola non publica, exigua, non
celebris, infrequens, obscura"; further more 'hagenmeester' "unqualified
physician", 'hagenpreek' "secret sermon in the open in the earlier stages of
the Reformation", 'achter de haag getrouwd zijn' "cohabitation ", Getelands
dialect 'haagstoten' "to play truant". The common element seems to be the
idea of "secret, clandestine".


Roger Hondshoven


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Etymology

Thanks, Roger.  That's really interesting.

Note also that _haag-_ with reference to women often referred to 
disenfranchised and/or shunned woman that lived alone or in small 
communities out in the woods, usually women that for one reason or another 
did not have the "protection" of a man or that secretly practised their 
"Pagan" shamanism.  Apparently, that's where certain words for "witch" are 
derived, e.g., Dutch _hag(h)etisse_, Old English _hægtes(se)_ (> Modern 
English "hag"), German _Hexe_.


P.S.: And it was originally a part of my surname (Hagen > Haan ~ Hahn).

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