LL-L "Language varieties" 2006.04.04 (02) [D/E]
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Tue Apr 4 15:13:55 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
04 April 2006 * Volume 02
From: Marcel Bas <marcelbas at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Lexicon" 2006.04.03 (03) [E]
Ingmar schreef:
>Ja, but 'fascist' is a heavy-laden term, and I certainly don't want to
>accuse your colleague who I don't know at all, so I withdrew this.
>You know, our fellow Dutch often think that everything that can be said,
>should be said, even if it is offensive, thinking it is 'honest', that's
>why internationally we've got the reputation of being rude (bot), well,
>I don't like that attitude at all, but obviously my Hindustatement was an
>example of it, and again I apologize.
Daarover ben ik het met je eens! Persoonlijk ben ik ook het type dat liever
vriendelijk uit de hoek komt dan boud en onvriendelijk.Veel Nederlanders
zijn nogal lomp, inderdaad. En de benaming 'fascist' ligt bij mij dan ook
nogal gevoelig. 'Fascist' wordt meestal geheel uit z'n verband gerukt en op
a-historische, kwetsende wijze gebruikt, om een discussie de kop in te
drukken. Dat gaat in Nederland al sinds 1945 onverminderd zo voort. Er zijn
mensen en opponenten die mij verachten vanwege mijn opvattingen op het
gebied van multiculturalisme en mijn voorliefde voor de oorspronkelijke
Europese cultuur en voor de Afrikaanse taal en cultuur. Die tegenstanders
noemen mij dan zelfs ook openlijk fascist. Terwijl ik toch echt geen zwarte
uniforms draag, en niet populisme en geweld verheerlijk of bepaalde oude
Duitsers en Italianen bewonder.
Je schreef verder:
>By the way, Marcel, where are you from - do you speak any dialect?
Unfortunatley, I don't! That is a cross that I will have to bear. I speak
the Haarlem dialect, commonly referred to as ABN/AN (Algemeen [Beschaafd]
Nederlands): Standard Dutch. I wish I did speak a dialect, as well. A
fortnight ago I got the opportunity to say in an interview on national radio
(do you know the radio show 'Cappuccino' on NRCV?) that 'Algemeen
_Beschaafd_ Nederlands' is an incorrect term, since dialect speakers are not
indecent (onbeschaafd). About that I got some positive feedback from the
eastern regions of the Netherlands!
Since my speech is Standard Dutch, I am particularly fond of that language,
I like keeping it the way it is (that is a conservative's prerogative:
acting against all language dynamics, pulling the brakes), so with as little
new loanwords as possible, well pronounced, with rich vocabulary, good
syntax, etc. I live in Voorschoten, where most people speak Standard Dutch.
That is quite rare in Holland, as you know. Standard Dutch is prestigious,
and people in Voorschoten are half-urban, well-off people. In the areas
where houses are less expensive you hear local accents. But compared to
Standard Dutch Voorschotens can, unfortunately, hardly be regarded a
On the other hand, I have tried to learn Stellingwarfs but in 2001, when I
started my English studies at university there was no more time for that. I
intend to resume Stellingwarfs once I have graduated.
Furthermore I like imitating all kinds of accents (so Leiden and The Hague
dialects are not so difficult for me). I speak some Friesian. Languages that
I have actually mastered are not so very many: English, Afrikaans, German,
French, Russian and Carinthian (a south-central Bavarian dialect in
Carinthia, Austria). Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Polish are some of those
languages that I have studied, but not well enough to say that I can speak
those languages.
At Leiden University I now do not only read English Language & Culture, but
also Indo-European Comparative Linguistics (Proto-Indo-European) and Old
Icelandic. Proto-Indo-European Language, Indo-European Culture and Old
Icelandic are probably the most interesting subjects that I have yet done at
university. The only thing is that speakers of both languages have been dead
for donkey's years.
I see that you speak several dialects; two Low Saxon dialects, as well as
Folkspraak! And you speak 'my' Haarlem dialect, of course. It's great to see
that you keep the local languages high, instead of treating them with a
somewhat condescending attitude as if dialects are an inferior 'variety' of
Dutch, with a social stigma (it's a language of the unlearned; it is an
obstacle on the way to a career, etc.) I guess loss of prestige, combined
with stigmatisation will kill any language, unless action is taken. It can
also happen to official languages. Dutch, Afrikaans...
After all, an official language is a dialect with official status and a
wider use.
Best regards,
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