LL-L "Language use" 2006.04.11 (06) [D/E]

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Tue Apr 11 19:57:41 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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11 April 2006 * Volume 06

From: Marcel Bas <marcelbas at gmail.com>

Laiwe Lüe,

A friend of mine (a proud Friesian with Lowlandic interests) found the 
following news article in English that you might find interesting.



NEWS | 10.04.2006
Platt and Proud
A new ad campaign in Germany's northwestern region of East Frisia is baring 
it all to get young people speaking their native Platt or Low-German The 
posters are so popular that they keep disappearing.

Sand, blue skies, brown-skinned backsides -- looks like a summer-in-the-sun 
vacation package. But "Maakt in Oostfreesland" isn't a tourist ad for 
Germany's northwestern, island-studded region. The campaign is aimed at 
youngsters "Made in East Frisia" to spark pride in their native language, 
the Low-German dialect called Platt. According to the organization 
Oostfreeske Taal, only around 20 to 25 percent of young East Frisians speak 
Low-German these days -- about 50 percent still understand the language. The 
initiative "Made in East Freesia" wants that to change.

Stah daarto. Mit dien Sprak.

East Frisians are best known around Germany for the jokes made at their 
expense. These portray East Frisians as mumbling country-bumpkins --  
Germany's greatest, next to their southern cousins, the Bavarians. Perhaps 
it is because there are no big cities in the region, perhaps because until 
recently, the population consisted mostly of fishermen and farmers. Another 
reason could be that when East Frisian speak their language, Low-German, no 
one else in Germany can understand them.

Oostfreeske Tal has tried for over 15 years to raise the image of the East 
Frisian Low German, a language closely related to Dutch. Speaking dialect, 
it says, isn't just good for regional tradition. The organization focuses on 
modern, hipper aspects, like the benefits of bilingualism -- speaking two 
foreign languages -- as a cognitive boost for kids. Those who grow up 
speaking East Frisian and High German are not backwards, it argues, but 
better equipped for a multi-lingual future -- and qualified to get jobs in 
big cities far away from home. Show your pride in your heritage, the poster 
campaign reads. With your language.

But while the beaches and meadows are surely nice, it is the posters of 
tattooed bare-booties that have caught the public eye. They are being torn 
off school and university walls almost as soon as they go up, say the 
designers of "Maakt in Oostfreesland." If nothing else, a sure sign that the 
target audience thinks the campaign is cool.

For those not close enough to get a good look, the campaign "Made in East 
Frisia" offers the tattoos on their Web site as mobile phone logos, along 
with a series of language downloads. Save HeHarrijasses!  as a cry of 
despair to the Almighty or the apathetic greeting Koom rin, kannst rut 
kieken -- "Come on in, then you can look out."

Or, if you want to get really East Frisian, check out the saying Wenn Du en 
Ei eten wullt, must Du eerst in d' Höhnerstall gahn. Liberally translated it 
means that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. However, 
it may also a reminder of the language's rural roots. Literally speaking, it 
states that if you want to eat an egg, you first have to go to the chicken 

Kateri Jochum

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