LL-L "Honors" 2006.04.12 (06) [E]

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Wed Apr 12 20:27:39 UTC 2006

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12 April 2006 * Volume 05

From: Marcel Bas <marcelbas at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L "Honors" 2006.04.11 (08) [E]

Dear Reinhard,

Djy't  gaskryf:

>Well, Marcel, take it as an attention test!  You must have >been snoozing
>(twice) when I said that more names had been added.

Ja, I remember reading that, but I assumed that it only concerned those 
names that you had already mentioned in the 'Honors' e-mails. So I thought 
it went like this:

1. The Kahuna thinks of a name, bestows it on to s.o.,
2. You channel and announce it in an 'Honors' e-mail
3. You dutifully add it to the list.

As a token of my Hollandic gratitude to the Kahuna I would like to say the 
following: whakawhetai and I will do my best as I am aware of the code of 
honour & behaviour that goes paired with this title. So no more staying away 
for two, three, four, five years! ;)

En ce qui concerne la noblesse:

Honi soit qui mal y pense!

Mes meilleures salutations,


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Honors

Yes, Marcel, the Kahuna will expect high standards from now on.

> 1. The Kahuna thinks of a name, bestows it on to s.o.,
> 2. You channel and announce it in an 'Honors' e-mail
> 3. You dutifully add it to the list.

Precisely. However, now that the list exists I may just add names without 

> whakawhetai

The Kahuna is bewildered by this foreign word.  For my part, I wonder what 
the Maori word for Thanksgiving (related to Hawaiian _ho'omaika'i_) is doing 
here, though I could guess.  "Thank you" is _Kia ora_, _Tika hoki_, _Ka pai_ 
or _Kia manuia_ in Maori and _Mahalo_ or _Ho'omaika'i_ in Hawaiian (_Mahalo_ 
"hi!" and "ciao!" as well), _Meitaki_ in Moriori, _Fa'afetai_ in Samoan, 
_Malo_ in Tongan, _Maururu_ in Tahitian and Rapanui, and _Koutai_ in 
Marquesan.  He has never heard of the land of Aokealoa (as I translated 
Maori Aotearoa "Land of the Long White Cloud"), not its new Hawaiian name 
Nukīlani either.

But we digress.


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