LL-L 'History' 2006.08.07 (07) [E]

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Mon Aug 7 23:24:25 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 07 August 2006 * Volume 07

From: 'ANNETTE GIESBRECHT' <beautyaround at email.com>
Subject: LL-L 'History' 2006.08.06 (03) [E]

I think all of us realize that at a time with no central heating, diseases such
as the common cold, let alone pneumonia the flu, and others were fatal. There
were probably diseases that the Native Americans had a natural immunity but the
settlers did not. People kind of forget that, because they always talk about the
diseases such as measles and small pox that us 'horrible' Europeans brought over.

Annette R. Giesbrecht

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