LL-L 'Celebrations' 2006.08.23 (02) [E/Maori]

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Wed Aug 23 15:26:01 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 23 August 2006 * Volume 02

From: Paul Finlow-Bates [wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk]
Subject: LL-L 'Celebrations' 2006.08.22 (05) [E/Maori]

    From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yhoo.com]
    Subject: Celebrations

    Here's celebrating the completion of the splendid life of a magnificent lady,
    magnificent beyond her royal station: Te Arikinui Dame Te Atairangikaahu, the
    Maori Queen.

    My condolences to the Maori people and to all New Zealanders. Dame Te
    Atairangikaahu was the embodiment of grace and dignity.

    Ki a Kui, Kahurangi tikanga pai, ka noho tonu koe ki roto i tōku pūmahara. I
    whakakōtua au ki koe.


    Na Hirini Melbourne, 1998

    Purea nei e te hau
    Horoia e te ua
    Whiti whitia e te rā
    Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru
    Mākere ana ngā here

    E rere wairua e rere
    Ki ngā ao o te rangi
    Whiti whitia e te rā
    Mahea ake ngā pōraruraru
    Mākere ana ngā here


    By Hirini Melbourne, 1998

    Scattered by wind,
    Washed by rain,
    Raised by sun,
    Every qualm is swept aside,
    Cast down all restraint.

    Fly, spirit, free from care!
    Soar to heaven's clouds!
    Bathed in brilliance of the sun,
    Every qualm is swept aside,
    Cast down all restraint.

    Translation: R. F. Hahn, ©2006

Obviously purely subjective, but I've always thought Maori to be the amongst the
world's most beatiful languages, perhaps *the* most beautiful.
I was 8 years old when I first heard it and the magic has never gone away.
Paul Finlow-Bates


From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yhoo.com]
Subject: Celebrations

Thanks, Paul.

Incidentally, Scots and Maori share a "special" sound: a voiceless equivalent of
[w] (written as an upside-down "w" in IPA and as W in SAMPA).  It is spelled "wh"
in both languages.

Below are some audio links for those of our friends who have never listened to
Maori, or "Te Reo" ("The Language"), as it tends to be referred to in
Aotearoa/New Zealand.

And while we are at it, can anyone organize a sound recording for the Maori
version (http://www.lowlands-l.net/anniversary/maori.php) of our anniversary story?

And talking about Aotearoa/New Zealand, let's hope for the speedy release of the
abducted New Zealander Olaf Wiig and his companion in Gaza!



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