LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.12.06 (02) [E/LS]
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Wed Dec 6 15:27:11 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 05 December 2006 * Volume 02
From: Utz H. Woltmann [uwoltmann at gmx.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.12.05 (03) [E/LS]
Jonny schreev:
>sünd door welk klouke Lüü' mang Jou, de dat Wourd LS: _sodraad/-drood_, G:
>'sobald', E: 'as soon' kennt? Ick sülbst kenn 't ne, man ick weyt, wat dat sou
>bruukt waard (hoyza- steiht gänzli' in dennen 'Sass'!!!).
>Wo kann dat '-draad' woll etymoloog'sch van avv-stammen?
>English summary:
>I'm looking for the etymological background of the word LS: _sodraad/-drood_, G:
>'sobald', E: 'as soon'. Anyone at this illustrious table with an idea?
Beste Jonny,
'draad' is Nedderlandsch un heet gälsnackt G: 'Draht', 'Faden', 'Zwirn'.
'Tegendraads' is ook Nedderlandsch un heet up G: 'gegen den Strich',
'widerspenstig', 'widerborstig'. Ik glööv, dat geiht en beten wat fixer,
wenn een wat 'sodraad' maakt, as wenn he dat 'tegendraads' maakt. Up
Nedderlandsch heet LS 'sodraad' nu 'zodra', daar hebbt se sachs dat Ind
vergeten. Bi de Mennoniten findst dat ünner 'soodro' weller, G: 'sobald
als', 'gleich danach'.
'Draad' is Dutch and has the meaning 'wire', 'thread'. 'Tegendraads' is
Dutch, too. The meaning is 'stubborn', 'cross-grained' / lit. 'against
the line'. I believe someting will be done faster by doing it 'sodraad'
than 'tegendraads'. Nowadays the Dutch word for LS: 'sodraad' is
D:'zodra'. I think, they have forgotten the end. The Mennonites use it
as 'soodro' with the meaning 'as soon as', 'right after'.
Kumpelmenten / best regards
Utz H. Woltmann
From: jonny [jonny.meibohm at arcor.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.12.05 (03) [E/LS]
Beste Reinhard and Piet,
you (Reinhard) wrote:
> _Draad'_ (~ _dra_ [drQ:.(d)] < drade), like Dutch _dra_ (< _drade_) means
> 'soon'.
and Piet completed (in a private mail):
> 'sodraad' is dat niet een saementrekking van drie woorden: zo_dra_het
> (so bald wenn das / as soon as it)...?
> Zo dra het begint te regenen...
> Zodra het begint te regenen...
> Zodra't begint te regenen...
Ha- thanks to both of you! This is exactly the way how it's written down in my
own collection of (for me) unknown LS-words: _so dra as_ (maybe I copied it from
H. Teut, 'Hadelner Woerterbuch').
'_so dra [as] dat_ (...anfangt tou regen)' = 'as soon as (...it starts raining)'
I think these versions to be better as the Sass-spelled 'sodraad', but I felt
> I have no idea about the origin.
Mysterious word...
Thanks and regards
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
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