LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.19 (03) [E]
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Thu Jan 19 22:20:37 UTC 2006
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19 January 2006 * Volume 03
From: Brooks, Mark <mark.brooks at twc.state.tx.us>
Subject: LL-L "Language planning" 2006.01.19 (01) [E]
Ben asked: "Do you mean the whole disaster over nuclear versus nucular?"
Yes, that and other malapropisms. Actually I was joking about the fact that
he seems to be speaking a language that sounds like English, looks like
English, but isn't the same English that the rest of us know.
It's interesting that his father seemed to have similar speaking problems.
George Bush Sr. made many language missteps, but George Jr. has the
additional burden (?) of speaking with a Texas accent. The Texas accent can
make him sound unsophisticated, but it isn't always a burden for him. When
he's speaking about terrorism or terrorists, the Texas accent makes him
sound tougher to large numbers of Americans at least. In any event, I was
just a joking.
By the way, my I'm a Texan and my Texas accent isn't always a burden for me
Mark Brooks
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