LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.31 (03) [E]

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Tue Jan 31 18:09:44 UTC 2006

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31 January 2006 * Volume 03

From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L "Folklore" 2006.01.31 (02) [E]

Ron wrote:
> So do I -- but then again, I like all warm-blooded fellow-creatures, and
> I've been known to pet fish.  (No, I don't *hate* reptiles and insects,
> choose to stay out of their way.)

Please don't. Fish aren't made for petting; it can very easily damage the
delicate outer layer of their skin. Try reptiles instead, they just love
being chucked under the chin.

Gabriele Kahn


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Lexicon

Hi, Gabriele!  Hope you are doing all right.

Thanks for telling us about not petting fish.

I wouldn't pet them these days.  I did it when I was young and silly (and 
I'm no longer silly -- oh, no!) and had a goldfish (which, however, lived a 
very long life as far as goldfish lives go).

But, even though you said I shouldn't (;-)), I will continue giving reptiles 
and insects a wide berth.

And I do continue communicating with waterfowl.  So there!  In the San 
Francisco Bay Area we have a lake right in front of our place, and it has 
all manner of waterfowl on and around it, including cormorants, pelicans and 
herons, some of them rather tame, like to hang out in the parking lot of the 
local supermarket (poor things).  I was pretty shocked when I saw the first 
pelican fly by our deck at night, looking like a terradactyl or something 
like it, with those slow wing flaps.  I haven't mastered their language yet. 
They've been rather antisocial so far.


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