LL-L 'Phonology' 2006.07.06 (09) [E/F]
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Fri Jul 7 06:30:08 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 06 July 2006 * Volume 09
From: Andrys Onsman <andrys.onsman at calt.monash.edu.au>
Subject: LL-L 'Morphology' 2006.07.05 (04) [E]
To: Henno en Piet
Subject: Morphology
From: Andrys
> Sure, the pronounciation of "kynders" is "kiendes" (to use a
>Dutchified spelling), but "kynders"
>is the official Town Frisian spelling (from the dictionary), that
>reflects the etymology...
>It is a rule that r before s is not pronounced, as is the case in
>Frisian as well.
>Mei freonlike groetnis fan in Fries om utens,
For the past hour I've been mumbling kienders, kiendes and kienderen to
myself to see which one I actually say. Born in the Baljee Steeg and
having grown up speaking Liwwadders, I know exactly what's right - until
someone makes me think about it (and thereby drives me insane!). I'm
sure we say kiendes, but I can see that written it would be kynders.
Funny that after all these years of being uncouth, Liwwaddes is suddenly
... well ... couth enough to have an "official" spelling. I'll be back
home in a few weeks - I'll check it out.
Ek in Fries om utens, die mei koarten efkes werom komt.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Phonology
Weell, I'm still waiting for a Liwwadders version of the wren story, folks, and
in all manner of Stêdsk. Just a teensy reminder is in order at this point, I
thought. (How do you render drumming of fingers on the desk in writing?)
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