LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.07.09 (01) [E]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Sun Jul 9 17:48:13 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
L O W L A N D S - L * 09 July 2006 * Volume 01
From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.07.08 (06) [E]
Bonjour à tout le monde
I haven't been around for a while at LLL, nor had I checked the A site,
but this morning I took a look again. It looks great, my compliments!
A few remarks:
I was <> to find that Low Saxon is not one of the working
languages of the A site, e.g. under "Language List" we see Dutch, English,
German, Spanish etc., but NO Low Saxon! How can that be, the Lllist is
about that language in the first place, so how do you want to promote it
if you don't even use it yourself?!
Then, Liemers (Dutch) should be added to Southern Low Franconian (Cleves
Franconian), it is at least as Cleves Franconian as Cuyk Brabantish.
Last, you forgot to mark Tok Pisin with that V sign for relevance for Low
lands focus
Mes compliments et salut
Ingmar Roerdinkholder
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
> I haven't been around for a while at LLL,
In that case you may have missed my pertinent message which said that the aim is
to reach as many people in the world as possible. Not having read it would
partly explain the apparent level of your indignation and your sharp tone in
place of proposing a suggestion. Clearly implied in my message was "as
efficiently as possible" and "this is not a Lowlands display." Since Dutch,
German, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese and English are included, virtually all of
the world's Low-Saxon-speaking people are covered, and speakers of many, many
other language varieties as well. Furthermore, additional inclusion of French,
Indonesian/Malay and Chinese covers speakers of most of the remaining numerous
"smaller" languages of the world as well. Again, this is about creating
efficient global communication in indices, not about showcasing Lowlands languages.
> Then, Liemers (Dutch) should be added to Southern Low Franconian (Cleves
> Franconian), it is at least as Cleves Franconian as Cuyk Brabantish.
I did that. Thanks.
> Last, you forgot to mark Tok Pisin with that V sign for relevance
> for Low lands focus
I had missed that in one place and have now added it. You may have noticed that
many varieties are listed more than once.
My mail program filters out anything between <>. So I don't know what you put in
there, but I bet it wasn't anything to make me feel better.
Thanks for your participation.
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