LL-L 'Delectables' 2006.07.25 (06) [E]

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Tue Jul 25 16:30:50 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 25 July 2006 * Volume 06

From: 'Thomas Byro' <greenherring at gmail.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Delectables' 2006.07.25 (03) [E]


Does anyone know where one can get Sur Stroeming here in the USA?
This is herring that is allowed to ferment in the can so that the cans
bulge with the gas pressure. A friend of mine tried to bring me some
from Sweden. He put the cans in his luggage but with the reduced air
pressure in the cargo hold, the cans exploded. He had to buy all new
clothing when he got here.

Is there any lowlands tradition for eating rotten fish like there is in Sweden?

Tom Byro

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