LL-L 'Media' 2006.06.19 (02) [E/German]

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Mon Jun 19 17:14:51 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 19 June 2006 * Volume 01

From: 'Global Moose Translations' <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Media' 2006.06.18 (02) [E]

Sollinger Allgemeine/HNA vom 19.6.2006:

STAVENHAGEN. Das plattdeutsche Wort 2005 heißt "upfidummen/upfidummt". Das
bedeutet so viel wie sich auffällig anziehen oder sich herausputzen. Der
Landesheimatverband und das Fritz-Reuter-Literaturmuseum Stavenhagen kürten
gestern den Begriff.
Zum besten aktuellen plattdeutschen Ausdruck wurde "Lämmerhüppen" für
Diskothek gewählt. Die Jury entschied sich bei der Wahl der liebsteb
plattdeutschen Redensart in diesem Jahr für: "Denn Politik, seggt de Buer,
is anners as daun" (Denn Politik, sagt der Bauer, ist anders als tun).
Insgesamt gab es in diesem Jahr 90 Vorschläge. Allein für das Plattdeutsche
Wort wurden 39 Empfehlungen eingereicht.

Gabriele Kahn


From: Helge Tietz <helgetietz at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Syntax' 2006.06.16 (01) [D/LS]

So how is it in d'r Schwyz? It is always nice and inspiring to arrive at a new
place, start a new job with new people, I hope it will all work out for you and
you will enjoy your new job. Argentina is now certainly one of the big favourites
after their 6-0, I would call them now the favourite if it wasn't for Riquelme as
being their key player, I saw him playing AZ Alkmaar with Villareal last year and
he was really very average then, perhaps he was lacking motivation playing the
UEFA-Cup. Brasil's football is very average and boring, they complain that the
others just play destructive but it is them who stand behind with solid back-four
and little initiative and inspiration up front, just waiting to convert a
half-chance effectively. If it had been Robben, Rooney, Klose or Totti getting
those free runs on goal like the Aussies had twice they would just simply finish
the job, it is just due to Aussie inexperince that they were let of the hook.
Spain's victory over 4-0 also looks impressive by numbers but once I saw the
goals I thought a lot of things fell their way, the penalty was never a penalty
and the Ukrainian was sent off unfairly and the game was decided after that.
France has the same problem as Brasil, a lot of players above 30 who have already
won everything, why should they bother to put in everything? Holland was not
convincing either, like England they just edged through, I can only hope they can
improve. But the next round is already a knock-out-round and that might change a
lot and I think England, Italy and Holland will improve then, I doubt Brasil and
France can. Australia might even get into the next round, a draw against Croatia
will be enough for them, that seems possible now. South Korea also has good
chances to get into the next round and Ghana can laos do it. It surprised me that
they beat the Czechs, after their 3-0 victory over the US I thought already they
might get very far in the tournament, that is how quickly things can change.
There are still some surprises to come, I believe.  

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