LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (03) [E]

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Tue Jun 20 18:44:16 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 20 June 2006 * Volume 03

From: Kevin Caldwell <kevin.caldwell1963 at verizon.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (02) [E]

>Ben wrote:
>>What about our US? Where the mother were they? They haven't scored yet in
>>the cup? I mean, God bless the Ghanaians, but goodly mother! What happened
>>to the best team we've ever fielded?

They _have_ scored a goal - they tied Italy 1-1, and still have an outside chance
at making it into the next round (they must beat Ghana and hope that Italy
defeats the Czechs).

I'm one of those rare Americans who likes soccer, although I prefer American
football (especially college football) and baseball.

>From: 'Marcel Bas' <roepstem at hotmail.com>
>Subject: LL-L 'Sports' 2006.06.20 (021 [E]
>Hi all,
>"Ghanaians"? Is that proper English? Or is it a nice word inspired on a classical
>word like 'Phaeacians'?

Yes, "Ghanaians" is correct English.

Kevin Caldwell

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