LL-L 'Levity' 2006.06.21 (05] [E/S]
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Thu Jun 22 00:22:26 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
L O W L A N D S - L * 21 June 2006 * Volume 05
From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: Humour: You Are Glaswegian If.....
U R A Glaswegian if:
1. Ye can properly pronounce McConnochie, Ecclefechan, Milngavie, Sauchiehall, St
Enoch, Auchtermuchty and Aufurfuksake.
2. Ye actually like deep fried battered pizza fae the chippie.
3. Ye get four seasons in wan day.
4. Ye canny pass a chip / kebab shop withoot sleverin when yer blootert.
5. Ye kin fall about pished withoot spilling yer drink.
6. Ye see people wear shell suits with Burberry accessories â pure class!
7. Ye measure distance in minutes.
8. Ye kin understaun Rab C Nesbitt and know characters just like him, in yer ain
9. Ye go tae Saltcoats cos ye think it is like gaun tae the ocean.
10. Ye kin make hale sentences jist wae sweer wurds.
11. Ye know whit haggis is made ae and still like eating it.
12. Somedy ye know his used a fitba schedule tae plan thur wedding day date.
13. You've been at a wedding and fitba scores are announced in the Church/Chapel.
14. Ye urnae surprised tae find curries, pizzas, kebabs, fish n chips, Irn-Bru,
fags and nappies all in the wan shop.
15. Yer holiday home at the seaside has Calor Gas under it.
16. A big flash car has a ned at the wheel.
17. Ye know Irn-Bru is a hangover cure.
18. Ye learnt tae sweer afore ye learnt tae dae sums.
19. Ye actually understand this and yer gonnae send it tae yer pals .
20. Finally, you are 100% Glaswegian if you have ever said / heard these words...
how's it hingin
get it up ye
wee beasties
arse bandit
away an bile yer heid
humphey backit
baw bag
dubble nuggit
A wee Glesca wumman goes intae a butchershop, where the butcher has just came oot
the freezer, and is stauninâ haunds ahint his back, wiâ his rear end aimed at an
electric fire.
The wee wumman checks oot the display case then asks, "Is
that yer
Ayrshire bacon?"
"Naw," replies the butcher. "Ah'm jist heatin'ma haun's..."
Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us
Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us
Robert Burns
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Levity
Tom, you passed on:
> how's it hingin
For your information, the English equivalent can be heard used in North America
also (usually reserved for male company). It just means the same as "How's it
going?" or "Whazzup?"
P.S.: No "Lowlands-L" or "LL-L" in the subject line ... Tsk, tsk ...
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