LL-L "Language varieties" 2006.03.07 (02) [E]
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Tue Mar 7 19:21:23 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
L O W L A N D S - L * 07 February 2006 * Volume 02
From: Hugo Zweep <Zweep at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2006.03.06 (03) [E]
Hello everyone
I don't agree with Karl about noticing the decline of English accents by
comparing old movies with what goes on now.
The Australian public broadcasting system (ABC) provides a steady diet of
English movies from the 1930s and 1940s and it seems to me that the the good
and proper, usually middle class, characters have been provided with perfect
thespian accents and that the rural character actors all have the same or a
similar stereotyped folksy accent - which may be from anywhere as long as we
realise that they are quaint and a bit, well, funny and harmless.
These accents seem manufactured and unreal. Much as the Southern negro
characters' accents in American movies of the same era?
On the other hand, today's English movies and television series seem to have
accents which may be true - watch some of the Scottish output and try to
follow the dialogue.
Hugo Zweep
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