LL-L "History" 2006.03.14 (10) [E]
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Wed Mar 15 00:42:50 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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14 March 2006 * Volume 10
From: Hugo Zweep <Zweep at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2006.03.14 (02) [E]
Beste Elsie
In the current, March 2006, edition of History Today on "Boer Prisoner of
War Art" (www.historytoday.com may give access to the article) which gives
some idea of the number of Boer prisoners sent to camps in the Bermudas, St
Helena, India and Ceylon - it startled me to see how many there were and how
excruciating it must have been to the the spirit.
The art being talked about seems to have been of the craft type and gives an
insight on how strong the sense of community was (is?).
Hugo Zweep
From: Karl Schulte <kschulte01 at alamosapcs.com>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2006.03.13 (14) [E]
CDU: 29.96
SPD: 28.86
FDP: 4.94
Green: 4.65
SSW: 0.59
Well, it seems to me that it would be very Christian of the Social Democrats
not to mention sociable of the Christian Democrats that the SSW should at
leat be given a stool or a a cushion to sit on, if they didn't get a whole
Karl Schulte
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