LL-L "Etymology" 2006.03.24 (07) [E]
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Fri Mar 24 20:39:15 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
24 March 2006 * Volume 07
From: Stellingwerfs Eigen <info at stellingwerfs-eigen.nl>
Subject: LL-L "Introduction" 2006.03.24 (03) [E]
Beste Marcel,
First of all, any time You're in Berkoop (Oldeberkoop, Meulebossie I gues?)
Your invited at my place Ni'jberkoop (Nijeberkoop). Just make an appointment
(even for this weekend) in private on info at stellingwerfs-eigen.nl
The Stellingwarver Schrieversronte (sSr) in Berkoop (Friesland) is, as far
as I know, the ooldest Dutch foundation who works hard for our LL-dialect,
et Stellingwarfs (correction: not in Wolvega before but in Oosterwolde). Se
there website www.stellingwarfs.nl
Yes, You're right, there are lots of interesting people in this area who do
support et Stellingwarfs.
One of them was indeed Oene, one og my five older brothers and indeed again
he was a very prolific writer (Stellingwarfs radioreporter to). He also
wrote in Frisian and even in Dutch or somtimes in almost any language (f.i.
dogs language!). Unfortunately he died in december 2002. In my opinion he
was - in one way or another - to 'great' for the Schrieversronte. In the
very beginning it clicked alright but lateron their relation became very
difficult. I'm not quite sure about it but I think my brother was in his
last few years no longer a member of the sSr.
In 2003 I had gathered appr. 20.000 Stellingwarfse words with their Dutch
equivalents in a database. 17.000 of them are still available in two
dictionarys (same words in St. vs. Dutch and Dutch vs. St.) published by my
own. For the sSr this publishings where not good enough (no scientific
authentification) as I'm being told by their director PJ. After that time I
had lots of ideas to do more and more like making poems, songs, games,
novelles, internet language cursus, cartoons, strips, puzzels, translations,
etc. but at all time they (sSr) all refused their cooperation. The last time
I came up with the idea about translating the Bible. Again the same story...
BTW: Ofcourse I also offered my help with computers to the sSr cause I'm a
computerman as I said before. Same story... Yes 'jou sla die spyker op sien
kop as jou zeg': > "Maybe they didn't realise the unmatched benefits of the
Now these days I'm very cynical about the sSr and have nothing more to say
about it....
But yes, after some try-outs (Genesis at first in june 2004) other people
stimulated what I was doing and then I met yet my great buddy Frank. And now
we do the work together and yes, we get lots of possitive reactions. Because
the sSr didn't want to join us anyway, we than made our own foundation (sSe)
www.stellingwerfs-eigen.nl in july 2004. There are just two clergiman who do
use the Stellingwarfs in church. We have theires support to, but there is
always the problem: time. Haven't we all the same ...! Now and than we
publish some of our work on paper and ask readers for their comments. Appr.
20/25 come up with very useful comments. In the church of Berkoop we started
with the celebration of our first publishing (Genesis) and we hope we have
the whole work done in june 2009. Fife years of hardworking but what else
can I do? Join friends in a pub...;-)
I have work to do, Deuteronomy is waiting...
Piet Bult
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