LL-L "Anniversary" 2006.03.29 (02) [E]

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Wed Mar 29 20:19:48 UTC 2006

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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)

29 March 2006 * Volume 02

From: Dave Singleton <davidsin at pt.lu>
Subject: Voice Mail Compressor

I’ve discovered a great software called Voice Mail Compressor.
With Voice Mail Compressor you can send voice mail messages to anyone
with a email address.
The recipient don't need any special software to listen your messages,
only by double-click the file, can listen it using the default audio player
Only 32 KB for a 30 seconds voice message and it's a very light
software, less than 600 KB for the installer file.
Voice Mail Compressor is 100% freeware, no ads, no limitations, no
adware, no banners, no spyware etc...
For download visit: www.lagolento.com

the above is their advert -- it can also be used to record and save
sound files which may make it useful in the anniversary system

Have fun



From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary

Wow!  Thanks a lot for that great tip, Dave!  That is likely to make it much 
easier for more people, and this may result in more audio files.  I'm even 
wondering if we should add that to our help page.

Folks, yesterday I wrote under "Language varieties":

> Hmmm ... Who'd join me in doing Wren renditions (written and spoken) in
> "true" Northern German (which is neither Missingsch nor Low Saxon)?  Think
> of it as important documentation of varieties that will soon be 
> historical.

In the meantime I have put my money were my mouth has been (better than the 
other way around, I suppose):

I will add an audio file when I have a little more time, hopefully next 

This version seems to demonstrate what I mean by a continuum between 
Missingsch and Standard German, Northern German being more or less strongly 
influenced by Missingsch and ultimately by Low Saxon (Low German), even many 
of the varieties that most Northerners would consider standard.  Of course, 
to Southerners they sound and read "typically" northern, especially the 
sound, as you will find out later.

Some striking Low-Saxon-and-Missingsch-derived features:

* avoidance of preterite forms and preference for past perfect forms 
(_wollten_ 'wanted', 'intended' being the only preterite form in the 
translation) [This feature is stronger in Missingsch than in Low Saxon, may 
be seen as tense structure simplification by way of preterite reduction or 

* (LS- and English-type) "splitting" of compound adverbs (e.g., _Da haben 
wir uns so vor verjagt!_ v Standard _Davor haben wir uns so verjagt!_ 'We 
got so scared by that!')

* preference for _-e_ after adverbs (e.g., _alleine gelassen_ v Standard 
_allein gelassen_ 'left alone')

* omission of _-e_ in first person singular verb forms (e.g., _ich krieg_ v 
Standard _ich kriege_ 'I('ll) get') [_Ich krieg_ tends to be pronounced [?IC 
krIC] rather than [?IC kri:C].]

* preference of _kriegen_ to _bekommen_ 'to get'

* _das_ instead of _es_ 'it'

* _mal_ instead of _einmal_

* _als_ 'when' and _wie_ 'as', 'like' coinciding as _wie_ (cf. LS _as_ 
'when', 'as', 'like').  [This one may be considered marginal or 

* frequent adverbial duplication (c.f. _Wie er UM die Ecke RUM kommt ..._ 
'As he comes AROUND the corner ...')

It would be great to add other North German versions, also "dialect-colored" 
German versions from other regions, especially southern ones.  This would 
show up the Low Saxon substrates in Northern German even more clearly. 

Just send all texts and sound files to me please (sassisch at yahoo.com).  This 
includes all those personal introductions I know are in the works.

See what others have written so far:

Start page:

Thanks and regards,

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