LL-L "Appelation" 2006.05.30 (03) [E]

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Tue May 30 16:19:35 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 30 May 2006 * Volume 03

From: "Arthur Jones" <arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "Appellations"

From: Arthur A. Jones, arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com

  To: LL-L "Appellations" 2006.05.30 )03) [E]

  Lieve Laglanners,

  Imagine my surprise when I found out that the title of this thread,
"Appellations", actually has nought to do with the Eastern U.S. mountain
chain of
almost homophonic quality, i.e., "Appalachians".

  Ron schreev,

  >Whose grace and majesty can quickly turn into a ferocious plunge<

  --Is this a hawk thou bespeakest, friend mine, or U.S. foreign policy?

  >a.k.a. Arthur A. Jones, and his dubious Haolefied acquaintances<

  --de Reinhard, wat rookt hij nu?

  >"crafty fox of the cunning tongue"<

  --'N beetje overdrieven, of niet? But in that context of tongue-cunning,
I would honour Sandy's gothic persuasion:

  "tungo fodris glazwis ist".

  As I used to tell my law students, "don't ask: look it up."

  I remain, with all due respect (sorry, Gabriele),

  Aizareiks  (Arthur)

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