LL-L 'Transitions' 2006.10.03 (01) [E]
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Tue Oct 3 14:36:13 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 03 October 2006 * Volume 01
From: Obiter Dictum [obiterdictum at mail.ru]
Subject: LL-L 'Transitions' 2006.10.01 (03) [E]
Ron wrote:
>Elsie, the way I assess the situation
>is that the world media generally still
>find it hard to report negative things
>about the new South Africa, because
>everything was supposed to get better
>with the fall of the apartheid regime
>(and certain things do indeed seem to have improved).
>The way I see it, people expected everything
>to turn into a bed of roses with the victory
>of former underdogs, and they don't want to
>admit that the honeymoon was short-lived,
>or, better to say, that it never happened.
I knew it would be the way it is in SA now as early as the glorious 1994. Three
years before, I was through it--guess where?
OK, I had three host nations to move to. I chose one, not the most hospitable,
but the one under whose jurisdiction I was born 65 years ago. White SA English
speakers seem to be somewhat as mobile. They have an English speaking world for them.
The Afrikaners... Don't seem have a place to go. Holland or France... Unlikely.
"When Mandela dies..." (c) Sounds too damned familiar.
Incidentally, I found jobs for three guys, together with their families, is
Sakhalin: predictably, a du Toit, a du Plessis (as offshore oilrig maintenance
divers), and a de Galantha, a brilliant lawyer who's an associate in my law firm.
Vlad Lee
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Transitions
But, Vlad, while I can understand that individuals would *want* to leave South
Africa, I don't see why anyone would *have* to do so or should feel obligated to
do so. Being their country of birth, culture and identity after all those
centuries, it's the country of Afrikaans-speakers of purely European descent just
as much as of everyone else. Wouldn't competent government, appropriate
education and socio-economic justice be called for rather than any kind of mass
exodus? The latter would be like expecting Australians, New Zealanders, North
Americans, Latin Americans or Siberians of European descent to have to leave
their respective countries. Apart from that, South Africans of non-European
descent suffer too, many of them horribly, making up the bulk of crime victims.
Where should *they* go?
In my humble opinion, what is needed is some sort of exorcism of the vicious
circle involving fear and violence, and we here in the United States could do
with a good dose of that ourselves, and so could a good number of other countries.
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