LL-L 'Resources' 2006.10.08 (03) [E/LS]
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Sun Oct 8 21:15:38 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 08 October 2006 * Volume 03
From: "Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc." [roger.thijs at euro-support.be]
Subject: LL-L Resouces
Can somebody tell a bit more (a short biography?) about Mr. A. S. De
Blècourt, a writer in Low Saxon from Groningen (more exactly in Damster
Dialect from Appingedam / Fivelgoo)
Yesterday I found in an antiquarian bookshop downtown Antwerp:
"Fivelgoër Landleven" door Mr. A. S.. de Blécourt, 1942, Assen, van Gorcum,
144 pp.
It is a re-edition of an original dated 1901 and published by Wolter
Groningen (as stated on p. 144).
It was priced 6 euro and I couldn't resist (It has been priced before BEF
600 and 14.87 euro, but it clearly had difficulties for finding an
interested buyer.)
A text sample (p. 19-20)
Jan Eloma.
Joa, aoll' is dood, nou âl 'n joar òf wàt; om en bie negentachentig joar is
(h)e wòrren. Jan Elemoa, òf Jan Elende wör (h)e ook nuimd, want hei stende
aiweg en âltied an, krèk òf hei 't slim stoer hâr, en dòch wàs 't hom zoo
goud às âltie fortuunlek goan op wereld.
'n Lange kerel, 'n lukbeetje krom, spierwit hoar, âltied 'n pèt op, zöndàgs
'n hail lutje houdje, en den hâr (h)e ook leege schounen mit zulvern gàspen
en 'n zwârt loakensche jàs, vèst en boksem en onder dei boksem an
weerskanten dreihoukjes d'r oetsneden; dàt loaken druig (h)e âl wèl 'n
vairtig joar....
Foothnotes below the text translate some words.
For this exerpt:
stenne, = zuchten
stoer = moeilijk
'n lukbeetje of 'n luttebeetje = een weinig
boksem = broek
Thanks ahead for all info about A. S. de Blécourt.
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Resources
Thanks a lot, Roger.
I don't know anything about the author, but I want to quickly add that speakers
of Northern Low Saxon dialects of Germany and especially those speaking dialects
of Eastern Friesland, would find this text easy to understand if it were written
in the (wretched) German-based system:
Jan Eloma.
Ja, all' is dood, no al 'n Jahr of wat; om en bi negentachentig Jahr is (h)e
worren. Jan Elemoa, of Jan Elende wöör (h)e ook nöömt, want he stennde eiweg en
alltied an, kreck of he 't slimm stuur harr, en doch was 't hom so good as alltie
fortüünlek gahn op wereld. 'n lange Kerel, 'n lückbeetje kromm, spierwitt Haar,
alltied 'n Pett op, sönndags 'n heil lüttje Hootje, en denn harr (h)e ook leege
Schohnen mit sülvern Gaspen en 'n swart lakensche Jass, Vest en Boksem en onder
de Boksem an weerskanten Dreehoukjes d'r utsneden; dat Laken dröög (h)e al well
'n veirtig Jahr ....
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