LL-L 'Songs' 2006.10.23 (04] [E]
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Mon Oct 23 22:52:35 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 23 October 2006 * Volume 04
From: 'Global Moose Translations' [globalmoose at t-online.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Songs' 2006.10.23 (02] [E/German]
Jonny wrote:
>It's an utmost horrible song, for my ears- so time-typical (begin of the
20th c.)
>'schmaltzy' and, as you already mentioned, written in a 'pitiful' LS.
I completely agree! It's unspeakably awful! And usually performed in smelly
beer tents where everybody is either too drunk or too old to escape.
It's every bit as bad as "There was soldier, a Scottish soldier...". Those
who know the song will agree, and those who don't, congratulations. You're
not going to learn it from me...
Gabriele Kahn
From: 'Global Moose Translations' [globalmoose at t-online.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Songs' 2006.10.23 (02] [E/German]
Speaking of songs that make you think of "home" - what about "Lili Marleen"
of World War II fame, which touched the hearts of all sides and factions in
those terrible times? Marleen is the name of my oldest daughter, partially
also because of this song.
Gabriele Kahn
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