LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.10.26 (03) [E/LS]
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Thu Oct 26 16:31:05 UTC 2006
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L O W L A N D S - L * 26 October 2006 * Volume 03
From: Luc Hellinckx [luc.hellinckx at gmail.com]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology'
Beste Jonny,
You wrote:
> _leiwand_:
> kiek mol bii http://de.wiktionary.org/wiki/leiwand un op jem ehr Links naa! De
> Deyrn ('Spacebirdy'), de dennen Artikel schreben hett, moyg ick woll föör
> kompetent un tou-verlootig houl'n; sey koomt sülbst uut Ãsterreich un mookt bii
> dat Perject all düchdig laang un engascheyrt mit.
Thanks for the link pal.
Apparently "leiwand" does seem to derive from "leinwand" (G), "linen"
(E), which was once seen as a costly fabric, hence the connotations
"superb", "brilliant", "toll" (D), "groÃartig" (D). Am still surprised
though that the old name for the fabric got popular among youth, and not
the more contemporary name "Leinen" or "Linnen" (no longer automatically
being associated with top quality afaik). Either it seems, because
"leiwand" has been meaning "brilliant" in Viennese already for a long
time, or because a couple of leet speakers decided to "revamp" Viennese,
using an archaism instead.
Luc Hellinckx
From: Heather Rendall [HeatherRendall at compuserve.com]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.10.25 (08) [E]
> Cf. It. cognate giuncata "cream cheese" (originally
made in a rush basket).
The food sense may have had the same origin as the Italian cognate.<
Junket is a milk dish to which rennin has been added to curdle it. It is
often flavoured with fruit compote or juice.
Recommended for invalids as easy to digest & good for you.
Blancmange took over from junket some time ago and although Blancmange
appears still on shops shelves, I doubt anyone still makes true junket.
Nice to know where it comes from!
From: Heather Rendall [HeatherRendall at compuserve.com]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.10.25 (04) [E]
>Just a question - for reasons utterly absurd, I was reminded today of the
"fool" as used to describe a British Isles dish related to the "junket", a
curds-and-whey dish.<
Fool as in Gooseberry Fool describes either a mixture of stewed fruit
thoroughly mixed in with thick cream or as most people now know it , stewed
fruit mixed in with a rich custard.
OED suggests a link / transference with/from 'Trifle' ????????????? But
that is a very different dish!
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