LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.10.27 (01) [E/LS]
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Fri Oct 27 19:57:45 UTC 2006
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L O W L A N D S - L * 27 October 2006 * Volume 01
From: 'jonny' [jonny.meibohm at arcor.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Lexicon' 2006.10.26 (05) [LS/German]
Beste Utz,
Du schreevst:
> kiek maal bi Harte rin: fletig
> Sass seggt to 'flieÃend Wasser': fleten Water.
Ick gloyv, beid' Woyr meynt eyder 'flieÃen(d)' as 'flüssig' (s. auch 'Fleet':
Abfluss f. Oberflächen-Wasser).
Dat enkelde Wourd, dat woll in siin oul'n, oorsprongligen Sinn 'flüssig' meynt,
is doch 'floytig'. Man- vandoog hett dat eyn anner, speziellen Bedüüden kreygen:
'unsolide', 'schlampig (hergestellt)', eben: 'nicht fest'(=flüssig... kiek!!).
Best' Greutens
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology
Moyn, Jonny!
I believe you're generally right, but I think this takes some tweaking.
It seems to me that _vleytig_ (_fletig_) for (adjectival) 'liquid', 'fluid' is
logical in that the Low Saxon cognate of German _Fluss_ 'run (of liquids)',
'river' (related to _flieÃen_ 'to flow' = Low Saxon _vleyten_ (_fleten_)) does
not have a rounded vowel: _vleyt_ (_Fleet_) '(city) canal', 'open water channel'
(the equivalent of _gracht_ in the Netherlands).
Hamburg German has borrowed the Low Saxon word to distinguish this special city
feature from German _Fluss_. The Low Saxon word for 'river' is _stroom_ (_Stroom_).
> Dat enkelde Wourd, dat woll in siin oul'n, oorsprongligen Sinn 'flüssig' meynt,
> is doch 'floytig'. Man- vandoog hett dat eyn anner, speziellen Bedüüden kreygen:
> 'unsolide', 'schlampig (hergestellt)', eben: 'nicht fest'(=flüssig... kiek!!).
This _vloytig_ (_flötig_) appears to be the cognate of German _flötzig_ with the
same meaning: 'sloppy', 'slovenly', 'sleazy', 'slutty'.
In this connection there are interesting subtleties in Old German:
flÅzÄn ~ flÅzÅn ~ fliozan : to flow, to run (of liquid), to sway -- intransitive
*Old Saxon: flÅtian ~ flÅtÅn ~ fliotan
*Old English: flotian, fléotan
*Old Low Franconian: flietan
flÅzen (1) : to cause to flow or run -- transitive
*Old Saxon: flÅtian
flÅzen (2) : to be overbearing/arrogant, to let oneself go -- intransitive
flÅzlÄ«h(ho) : overbearing, arrogant, wanton, elated, silly, foolish
fluzzīg : liquid, fluid (adjectival)
*Old Saxon: fluti (nominal & adjectival)
* Old English: fléotig 'swift', 'fast'
Old Saxon:
fliot : river, canal
Roland, I think it was you who in this connection brought up 'diligent' (German
_fleiÃig_, Dutch _vlijtig_, West Flemish _vlietig_, Low Saxon _vlytig_
(_flietig_). Here a few data to that:
Old Saxon:
flīt : diligence, zeal
flītan : to busy oneself, to make an effort to compete
flītlīk : diligent, zealous
Old German:
flīz : diligence, zeal
flīzan ~ flīzen : to busy oneself, to make an effort to compete
flīzīg ~ flīzlīh : diligent, zealous, busy
flīzlīhho : diligent, zealous, striving, curious
flīza : complaint, argument
flīzantī : struggle, fight
Old English:
flīte : diligence, zeal, competition, struggle
flītan : to strive, to compete, to struggle, to fight
flit : argument, discord
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