LL-L 'Membership' 2006.10.29 (01) [E/LS]
lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net
Mon Oct 30 00:09:20 UTC 2006
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L * 29 October 2006 * Volume 01
From: 'jonny' [jonny.meibohm at arcor.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Phonology' 2006.10.26 (04) [E]
Beste Ingmar,
you wrote:
> Jonny M schreef:
> >Beste Ingmar,
> >you had been lost for a couple of weeks!
> Make that a couple of months, to be exact about eight, from the beginning
> of March...
Hmm, hmm- eight months? It didn't seem so long a time to me. But who the hell did
post in/with your name during your abscence ;-)?
E.g., here:
> > L O W L A N D S - L * 25 May 2006 * Volume 05
> > From: "Ingmar Roerdinkholder" <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: LL-L "Language varieties" 2006.05.25 (01) [E]
> >
> > This is the same as ME "stand still, you!", Dutch "blijf staan, jij!" or
> > German "bleib stehen, Du!", only in the Middle Ages interpunction was
> > often not used.
> > Groetz
> > Ingmar
or here:
> > L O W L A N D S - L * 09 July 2006 * Volume 01
> > From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <[log in to unmask]>
> > Subject: LL-L 'Anniversary' 2006.07.08 (06) [E]
> > Bonjour à tout le monde
> > I haven't been around for a while at LLL, nor had I checked the A site,
> > but this morning I took a look again. It looks great, my compliments!
> > (...)
> > Mes compliments et salut
> > Ingmar Roerdinkholder
Further you wrote in LL-L 'Membership' 2006.10.28 (01) [E]
> I remember your enthousiastic welcoming reactions when some old hands had
> been away for a couple of weeks or maybe a month or two, and posted a
> message after that time.
Wow- you should be glad, man, that you havn't been welcomed like myself had
(after an absence of some weeks) with some very humorous words about any 'mangy
cat which dragged me along...';-)! "Hast' mitunter"! (Shit happens!)
You might see that you missed a lot of fun, here.
Take it easy!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: 'Global Moose Translations' [globalmoose at t-online.de]
Subject: LL-L 'Membership' 2006.10.28 (01) [E]
Ingmar wrote:
>Mmm, except for Jonny no one seems to bother if I'm back after 8 months or
>not... At least, no one else reacted, including the boss. I guess they
>were happy about my absence then. At one hand a shame, considering how
>much I contributed to the list and how much knowledge and experience I
>passed through. I'm wondering what it means...
Don't forget, dear Ingmar, that we're Lowlanders. Forget about Ron and some
of his more enthusiastic messages; he has become an American, after all, and
seems to have adapted to their mentality. Personally, I'm not into
constantly telling my friends - and hearing from them - what wonderful
people we are.
It's been discussed on the board before; while Americans will say "I love
you" in public ten times a day and more, a typical Northern German would
flinch to be overheard saying it by a third party even once in a lifetime.
I once went to visit friends in my village; I had been gone for two years
then. They had no door bell, so I just stepped right into their kitchen,
they all said hello, and then continued doing whatever they had been busy
with, allowing me to settle in, but not making a fuss over me. This way, it
felt like coming home, and like I had never been gone. I was still part of
the family, not just some visitor. And this is what it's like with most of
my old friends.
It's the same on the message board. If I seem to take it for granted that
you have come back, it is because in my mind, you have never been away in
the first place. At least here in the Solling, the less people seem to
notice you, the more they are saying "you are one of our own".
From: 'Stellingwerfs Eigen' [info at stellingwerfs-eigen.nl]
Subject: LL-L 'Membership'
Ingmar wrote:
> Mmm, except for Jonny no one seems to bother if I'm back after 8 months or
> not... At least, no one else reacted, including the boss. I guess they
> were happy about my absence then. At one hand a shame, considering how
> much I contributed to the list and how much knowledge and experience I
> passed through. I'm wondering what it means...
Dit is d'r wel haost een betien bi'j deur, is 't niet beste Ingmar...? De
laeste berichten die ik nog van je zien hebbe weren o.e. nog van 26 meie en
9 juli. Hoezo, 8 maonden..? En doe hej' oons toch ok gien bescheid daon van
de reden van wegblieven? Moe'we now dan in de riegel staon om - krek as Ron
al zegd het - in je eigen privé doen en laoten omme te spitten, en je
uutheuren waoromme aj' d'r even niet bi'j weren? Et wodt in de spulriegels
van disse L-Liest al uutlegd daj' je hiel ienvooldig even of- en weer
anmelden kunnen. Aj' now even zegd hadden dat et je een posien niet schikte
omreden ie ziek of alderdeegst in bliede verwaachting weren, dan hadden we
now lichtkaans inderdaod mit je mitleefd en je een waarm welkom bezorgd. Mar
gewoon wegblieven, zonder wat te zeggen, en gewoon weerommekommen kan
vanzels krek lieke goed. Daor is ok niks mis mit. Doe Jonny opmarkte dat
hi'j je mist hadde, haj' al ruumte om uut te stokken waor aj' zo lange
zitten hebben. Now wee'we nog niks mar kriegen wel even een sneer uut de
panne... Ik vien dat d'r wel haost een betien bi'j deur beste Ingmar...? Kot
lontien? Mar hawar, et sans rancune!
Mit een vrundelike groet uut Stellingwarf,
Piet Bult
From: 'Jacqueline Bungenberg de Jong' [Dutchmatters at comcast.net]
Subject: LL-L 'Membership' 2006.10.28 (01) [E]
Ingmar, You are surprised that nobody is jumping up and down and making
simian noises now that you are back. Have you ever considered that we are so
flabbergasted that we had to step back, and sit down quietly before we burst
out in joyful noise? Welkom thuis!. Jacqueline
From: Ingmar Roerdinkholder <ingmar.roerdinkholder at WORLDONLINE.NL>
Subject: LL-L 'Membership' 2006.10.28 (01) [E]
Actually I posted my message below not "to the list" but "to the original
poster (lowlands-l...) because it wasn't meant for everyone, but Ron
didn't get that. So now I'm looking like a childish weener to everyone,
not just to him...
From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Membership
I apologize about having posted it, Ingmar. In my defense, though, I must add
that it came to the list posting account with the subject line "Re: LL-L
'Membership' 2006.10.28 (01) [E]" rather than to my personal account, and there
was nothing in the text indicating that it was not meant to be a posting
submission (the way others signal non-public information). Many members do in
fact send their submissions directly to this account instead of to the server
address (lowlands-l at listserv.linguistlist.org), either as a matter of error or as
a matter of habit (in the latter of which cases I have given up trying to correct
some people).
I am fairly sure, though, that your assessment of yourself is much harsher than
everyone else's. As I said previously, I think I safely assume that you are
generally well liked and that everyone enjoys hearing from you.
> It's been discussed on the board before; while Americans will say "I love
> you" in public ten times a day and more, a typical Northern German would
> flinch to be overheard saying it by a third party even once in a lifetime.
I think it was *you* that claimed this before, Gabriele. I know lots and lots of
Americans that would never say "I love you" to all and sundry in public, and I
know lots and lots of North Germans that would. I would even go as far as saying
that your assessment of me is yet again based on false assumptions, for I have
always been like this and so has my entire mishpokhe and most of its friends.
Maybe all of us were destined to become stereotypical Americans and most of us
never made it across the "pond." Or it has something to do with our Eastern
roots and with the relatively more carefree, diverse and cosmopolitan ambiance of
Hamburg and its surroundings, which may also explain why I am hesitant to pass
value judgment on other cultures. But then again, last time I checked, people of
Hamburg were North Germans too (though they may seem like degenerate
metropolitans to some communities). The late Tant Clara loved to say "I love
you" to lots of people in private and in public, and her native culture and
language are authentically rural North German.
> Don't forget, dear Ingmar, that we're Lowlanders. Forget about Ron and some
> of his more enthusiastic messages; he has become an American, after all, and
> seems to have adapted to their mentality. Personally, I'm not into
> constantly telling my friends - and hearing from them - what wonderful
> people we are.
That has nothing to do with being American, but it has everything to do with my
personal beliefs, views and feelings, with my personality, and I don't think that
this disqualifies me as being accepted as a Lowlander. But then again, it is not
I who has worked out what the stereotypical profile of a Lowlander is.
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