LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.09.28 (02) [D/E]

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Thu Sep 28 21:51:29 UTC 2006

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L O W L A N D S - L * 28 September 2006 * Volume 02

From: Paul Finlow-Bates [wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk]
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2006.09.27 [D/E/LS]

    From: 'Pieter van Eeden' [ppvaneeden at wanadoo.nl]
    Subject: LL-L 'Germaanse God (W)odan' 2006.09.27 [A/NL/E]

    Wie kan my help?

    Die volgende woorde is aan mekaar verwant: hout, woud, wood (eng) en die
    naam van oppergermaanse god (W)odan. My vraag is wie was eerste? Waar
    kom die naam Wodan vandaan?


    Pieter van Eeden

Brian Branston in "The Lost Gods of England" suggests it goes back to ancient
Indo European times, related to a Sanskrit "Vatna", Wind-Lord
Paul Finlow-Bates


From: R. F. Hahn [sassisch at yahoo.com]
Subject: Etymology


> Brian Branston in "The Lost Gods of England" suggests it goes back to 
> ancient Indo European times, related to a Sanskrit "Vatna", Wind-Lord

Interesting!  That would have to be *वात्न *_Vātna_.  The base would be वात _vāta_
'wind'.  Is there supposed to be or have been such a god in India?  I am not
aware of one, though I do know of (वायु _vāyu_ 'wind', 'air' >) वायु _Vāyu_, the
god of wind and air, typically associated with इन्द्र _Indra_ in the Rigveda (ऋग्वेद

Other people believe the name Wodan, etc. (Proto-Germanic *_Wōđanaz_ or
*_Wōđinaz_), is based upon Proto-Germanic *_wōþuz_ 'poetic power' (cf.
Proto-Celtic *_wātus_ 'mantic poetry'), namely that he began as the god of bards
and seers, hence shamans.


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