LL-L "History" 2007.04.10 (04) [E]

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Tue Apr 10 23:49:44 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  10 April 2007 - Volume 04


From: Ed Alexander <edsells at cogeco.ca>
Subject: LL-L "History" 2007.04.10 (01) [E]

At 10:42 AM 04/10/07 -0700, Sandy Fleming wrote:
>I used to have a language teacher who believed that Finnish and English
>were closely related - and she was Finnish and had lived in England for
>years so spoke both languages with perfect fluency.

Oh, never mind!  My wife, who is a high school English teacher, had to
leave the staff room in disgust when two of her colleagues got into a
discussion about why other people didn't speak English the way they did, as
if their way of speaking was somehow degenerate.  She was also given the
job one year of picking students to do the Hail Mary over the PA system
each morning.  Since there are some many different nations represented at
her school, she thought it a good idea to have it done in the different
national languages.  One morning, she had the Serbian student do it.  Later
that day, a few of the Croatian students came up to her and said that they
knew the language was Croatian, but it sounded a bit funny.  When she told
them that a Serbian had done it, they said that was impossible, because
there are no Serbian Catholics.

>I think maybe linguistics is a like astronomy in one way - it's one of
>the few sciences where amateurs can still make important contributions.
>Unfortunately there are at least two types of amateurs, those who
>understand the subject, and those who don't (but go ahead anyway!).

Well, we've also found from time to time that there are two types of
professionals.  Those who know what they're talking about and those who
don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

>And I see you've got Arthur started now  :)

Good.  I think it's important that no one take themselves too seriously
here, or anywhere.  Humour is good not only for healing, but for gentle
correction as well.

Ed Alexander



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