LL-L "Demographics" 2007.04.11 (02) [E]

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Wed Apr 11 14:20:40 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  11 April 2007 - Volume 02


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Demographics

Dear Lowlanders,

In the latest issue of the BritishExpats Newsletter (BritishExpats.com)
there is an interesting article about demographic changes.  Please find the
brief below.

I was surprised to hear that more than twice as many British people live in
Australia than in Canada and that also the USA have more British residents
than Canada.

By the way, there are now well over 100,000 Australians in the USA, and the
number of expatriate Australians around the world is now large enough for
the Australian government to finally beginning to realize that expat
Australians are a force to be reckoned with.



Back in December the Institute for Public Policy Research, a UK 'think
tank', released a very interesting report which contained the results of
research they did involving the experiences of Brits living in countries all
around the world. According to the report more than 198,000 British
nationals moved overseas last year, bringing the total number of Brits
abroad to more than 5.5 million. Apparently Britain now has more people
living abroad than almost any other country. The top 10 countries where
Brits live, together accounting for around 75 per cent of all Brits living
abroad, are:

   - Australia 1.3 million, equivalent to 2 per cent of UK population
   - Spain 760,000
   - USA 680,000
   - Canada 600,000
   - Ireland 290,000
   - New Zealand 215,000
   - South Africa 212,000
   - France 200,000
   - Germany 115,000
   - Cyprus 59,000

Another thing that came to light in the report was that almost as many
British nationals have left the UK as non-British nationals who have entered
the UK and that the number of people emigrating in recent years has started
to increase in net terms. We are truly becoming a 'global community' and it
looks like the number of British citizens living abroad will continue to



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