LL-L "Grammar" 2007.04.27 (05) [E]

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Fri Apr 27 15:51:07 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L  -  27 April 2007 - Volume 05


From: "Frank" <frank.verhoft at skynet.be>
Subject: Grammar

Dear listmembers,

I have got a question concerning the 'Den' in _Den_ Haag en _Den_ Bosch. It
is not about the other (offical) names, but really about the form of the
article as such.

As far as I can see, the usage of 'de/den' follows the same pattern as in
the Brabantian dialects, more specifically the usage of 'den' before male
nouns starting with a vowel, a labial and dental stop: den otto (and hence
den (h)amer, den boom, den tand, etc.).

Now, my question is: can 'den' in Den Haag en Den Bosch be compared with the
Brabantian forms of the article, or is 'den' here an inflected form of the
article, and hence not similar to the Brabantian forms.


Frank [Verhoft]



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