LL-L 'Grammar' 2007.02.02 (04) [E]

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Fri Feb 2 22:38:12 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 02 February 2007 - Volume 04


From: Global Moose Translations <globalmoose at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Grammar' 2007.02.02 (02) [E]

Paul wrote:
>A quarter of my old declension tables are becoming obsolete????

Don't worry. Methinks that Karl-Heinz is trying to pull our legs. The
construction he seems to favour ("Verderblich ist des Tigers Zahn..." -
Schiller) is quite archaic, but apart from that the German genitive is alive
and well.

>>A book called "Using German" I recently got out of the local library gave
examples of different >>regional grammar including "dieses Bier (zum
beispiel) ist mir.." rather than "dieses... ist >>mein/e.."  It said this
was a Northern habit.
>That may be Hassian, it's certainly not Northern German.

Yes, this is definitely Hessian. My grandmother, from Marburg, used this
construction a lot. She would, for example, hold up a book and ask, "Ist das
dir?" (is that yours?).

Gabriele Kahn


From: Jonny Meibohm <altkehdinger at freenet.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Grammar' 2007.02.02 (02) [E]

Dear Paul,

you wrote about the domination of dative vs genetive in German:


A quarter of my old declension tables are becoming obsolete????

No- they are not, by no means, as Gabriele already pointed out! It's just
the popular decline of a language, caused by people (sorry, Mathias, it's
not you I'm thinking at at hte moment...) with bad, motherless education. I
hate this as well as other people who try to spoil our good old LS ;-)- but
Standard German should be able to defend itself! LS isn't able...


Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm



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