LL-L 'Websites' 2007.02.04 (10) [E]

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Mon Feb 5 00:26:56 UTC 2007


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L O W L A N D S - L - 04 February 2007 - Volume 10


From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Websites


> Maybe the most interesting comparisons could go on the anniversary site,
for those people who could scream at the thought of having to read the
thrilling tale of that wretched wren over and over... ;-)

Sure!  Are you volunteering to coordinate it?


> Re Poussie Baudrons: Thanks Sandy and Ron for this wonderful story.
Maybe when "we" have milked the Wren for all that it is worth, we can
switch to that tale of animal stealth.

Again: Sure!

And ... "milking wrens" ... Does this go with "herding cats"?

Resources are approached and used for various purposes and with various
expectations.  Obviously, anyone expecting the wren story to be a thrilling
novel of epic proportion, worthy of being considered for the Nobel Prize for
Literature, will be sorely disappointed.  Clearly, it is meant to be a
manageable text corpus for those genuinely interested in language or those
at least entertained by it, especially as far as linguistic diversity is
concerned, including varieties that are rarely or never encountered
elsewhere. In this it is no different from the more frequently encountered
Lord's Prayer and "The North Wind and the Sun" collections, to name but
two.  As such, it is appreciated by many.  The site is still enjoying
increasing interest, judging by the growing number of repeat visitors
(currently an enormous surge from Turkey for some reason) and judging by the
number of sites that link to it.

So the 200th translation has come and gone (no thanks to you lot).  And so
the parade, long though it may be, continues, will do so as long as there
are floats and as long as crowds line the streets, never mind the occasional
sourpuss face in that crowd, or the occasional dark cloud overhead and the
odd raindrop or two on the parade.

Anyone still wondering what we're talking about ought to check it out:




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