LL-L 'Language varieties' 2007.02.06 (10) [E]
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Wed Feb 7 00:58:53 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 06 February 2007 - Volume 10
From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at fleimin.demon.co.uk>
Subject: LL-L 'Language varieties' 2007.01.28 (03) [E]
> From: Paul Finlow-Bates <wolf_thunder51 at yahoo.co.uk>
> Subject: LL-L 'Language varieties' 2007.01.27 (03) [E]
> I picked up a book some years ago at Head-Smashed-In, in Canada. It's
> called "indian sign language" by William Tomkins, a.k.a. Wambali Wi
> Yuta, "Sign Talking Eagle" in Dakota.
> He stresses the difference between Plains Sign and various sign
> languages used by deaf people.
Thanks for the very interesting description of the differences between
Plains Sign and Deaf Sign. This will be a topic of conversation in the
various Deaf communities I participate in in Bristol and Somerset for
some time to come!
What's the story behind "Head-Smashed-In"? Is that a direct English
translation of "Ottowa" or something? Whose head was smashed in, and
Sandy Fleming
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