LL-L 'History' 2007.02.07 (16) [E]
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Thu Feb 8 00:07:19 UTC 2007
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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L O W L A N D S - L - 07 February 2007 - Volume 16
From: Arthur Jones <arthurobin2002 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L "History"
Dear Ron,
Dear Lowlanders all,
Some weeks ago someone inquired about Dutch language in the U.S.,
specifically about the use of Nederlands in the State of New York, beginning
with the Dutch colony there, the continuation of Dutch usages and language
in ever-shrinking enclaves, and the present-day situation regarding the
Dutch heritage in North America.
While looking for resources to answer that query, I ran across the New
Netherlands Institute in Albany, NY. They provide a complete history of the
Nieuw Amsterdam of Pieter Stuyvesant, Pieter Minuet, and bring back to life
a very important era that still echoes in the soul of early American
They also offer a newsletter, a forum or e-discussion group, and a magazine
entitled *"De Nieu Nederlanse Marcurius" *among many other things. Really a
fascinating find.
Then a shocking thing happened. On their website, I saw a photo of Dr.
Charles Gehring, who is director of the New Netherlands Institute. He is an
old friend of mine, we studied together (Advanced German; Mittelhochdeutsch;
Old Norse; Gothic; German Literature; Linguistics, etc.) at West Virginia
University 1960-63. We had not been in contact since then.
So my efforts not only might aid a fellow Lowlander, but also paid me a
karmic dividend of regaining a long lost buddy.
Here are their details:
Dr. Charles Gehring, Director
Marilyn E. Douglas, Vice President
New Netherlands Institute
Met vriendelijke groeten,
Arthur A. Jones
arthur.jones at yahoo.com
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