LL-L "Yiddish' 2007.02.16 (01) [E]
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Fri Feb 16 16:53:53 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 16 February 2007 - Volume 01
From: Lee Goldberg <leybl_goldberg at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Yiddish' 2007.02.15 (01) [E/German]
I don't know much about Alsatian Yiddish, but I'll venture a guess about a
couple of the words Karl-Heinz listed:
"shabes tsunakht/shabeyse nakht" ('Sabbath night')
"kerb" (plural of "korb", 'basket')
sounds like it might be a Hebraism (designating members of some charitable
society?) but I can'f figure it out
I agree with Ron that we're dealing with a mixture of (Western) Yiddish and
Alsatian German influences. Which is the substratum and which the
superstratum, I don't pretend to knowknow. But from the sample here, words
with the long A vowel, like
aach (NHG 'auch')
haamat, haam ('Heim(at)')
laafe(n) ('laufen')
gekaaft ('gekauft')
look like textbook examples of Western Yiddish, while the diphthongal
pronunciation of 'EI' in things like
meini Kinderzeite(n)
suggests an influence from outside the Alemannic region (my understanding is
that Alsatian German has 'min' and 'zit' for NHG 'mein' and 'Zeit').
(Incidentally, 'kimpet' = 'kind' + 'bet' is a common term for childbirth in
Eastern Yiddish.)
From: "oneko at att.net" < oneko at att.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Yiddish'
Ron wrote:
> Interestingly and probably coincidentally, Scots Carlin means "woman" ...
eegh!...it's nae sich a thing, Ron. Ye'll get a skelpin gin ye yase it.
'Auld wumman', mebbe, and forbye soor-heidit then. 'Woman' is ony 'wumman'
...or 'cailin' gin ye wad be couthie and cantie :-)
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Yiddish
Thanks for the clarifications, Lee and Margaret!
> (Incidentally, 'kimpet' = 'kind' + 'bet' is a common term for childbirth
in Eastern Yiddish.)
Same as Kindbett ("child+bed") in archaic German (apparently surviving in
some dialects and styles); e.g. Sie starb im Kindbett (She died during
> > Interestingly and probably coincidentally, Scots Carlin means "woman"
> eegh!...it's nae sich a thing, Ron. Ye'll get a skelpin gin ye yase it.
'Auld wumman', mebbe, and forbye soor-heidit then.
> 'Woman' is ony 'wumman' ...or 'cailin' gin ye wad be couthie and cantie
Och, auld-shmauld! Wha coonts the years! ;-) So, a "crone" A shoud hae
sayed insteid?
Nah! A wis juist efter seein gin ye's tentin the cantations an efter culyin
Pousie Baudrons ( a.k.a. O Neko) ooten the poke. Oh, ay, an A did tha! 8-)
Mit a grus,
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