LL-L 'Morphology' 2007.01.08 (07) [E]
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Mon Jan 8 23:03:45 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 08 January 2007 - Volume 07
From: John Duckworth <johncduckworth at yahoo.co.uk >
Subject: Lexica (E./ LS)
Hello Ron and the rest of the Lowlanders,
can you tell me the gender of :
Swulk : a large, dark black bank of storm clouds.
and has anybody any idea of the etymology or of any related words in Low
John Duckworth
Manchester, UK
From: John Duckworth <johncduckworth at yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Lexica (E./ LS)
Hi, John!
First an admission, to my shame:
For some strange reason I wrote *Swulk* 'swallow' when I meant to write *
Swark* ... These things happen mostly because my mind works faster than my
fingers ... It was already on to the next thing or two.
Both words have feminine gender.
Apologies and regards,
P.S.: Folks, you need not copy my address when you submit postings, and you
certainly should not send them to lowlands-l at lowlands-l.net, which is
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