LL-L 'Idiomatica' 2007.01.09 (02) [E]
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L O W L A N D S - L - 09 January 2007 - Volume 02
From: Kevin and Cheryl Caldwell <kevin.caldwell1963 at verizon.net>
Subject: LL-L 'Idiomatica' 2007.01.08 (02) [E/German]
> From: Andrys Onsman <Andrys.Onsman at calt.monash.edu.au>
> Subject: LL-L 'Idiomatica' 2007.01.07 (06) [E]
> To: Paul Tatum
> From: Andrys Onsman
> Re: Idiomatica
> One of my favourite expressions "Don't take any wooden nickels"
> apparently comes from the Depression days when people would cover
> similar sized pieces of wood with foil to try to fool the recipient into
> accepting it as a 10 cent piece.
By the way, a nickel is five cents, not ten (a 10-cent piece is a dime).
That's why Fifth Street is called "The Nickel" and, in American football, a
defensive formation with five backs is called a "nickel defense" (a more
typical formation has four backs).
Kevin Caldwell
From: Hugo Zweep <Zweep at bigpond.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Idiomatica' 2007.01.07 (05) [E]an]
Elsie seems to be occupied elsewhere. Could I, while we're waiting, try?
Could it be "mooi blijven", just as I have heard people say "stay nice" when
someone seemed to be drifting towards the unacceptable?
By the way, it was good meeting your brother a month or so back.
Hugo Zweep
From: Elsie Zinsser <ezinsser at icon.co.za>
Subject: LL-L 'Idiomatica' 2007.01.07 (05) [E]an]
Hi all,
Andrys, if someone says, "Mooi bly", you'd simply respond with "Dankie! Jy
ook!" unless the person will be driving away and then you'd say "Mooi ry!"
Interesting thing is that in Zulu, the greeting is "Hamba kahle" (go softly)
and the one leaving says: "Sala kahle" (stay softly).
I bet Afrikaans speakers adapted this style from Zulu or Xhosa.
Elsie Zinsser
From: Andrys Onsman <Andrys.Onsman at calt.monash.edu.au>
Subject: LL-L 'Etymology' 2007.01.05 (03) [E]
Dear all
Amongst my emails this moin, um, morning, there were those discussing
moi and moin, and another unrelated one from a colleague in South Africa
that ended with Moi bly! Apart from the spooky coincidence, what if any
is the connection, and Elsie, what should I use in reply?
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