LL-L 'Website' 2007.01.14 (03) [E]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Mon Jan 15 00:28:52 UTC 2007
L O W L A N D S - L - 14 January 2007 - Volume 01
From: "Mathias Rösel" <Mathias.Roesel at t-online.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Website' 2007.01.12 (04) [E]
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Website
But it would be nice to post the sheet music as well, at least for the sake
of deaf people.
Tablature will give people a hard time who are used to *following music in
All the best,
From: Marsha Wilson <mizwilson2005 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL-L 'Website' 2007.01.13 (03) [E]
Reinhard/Ron my dear....I would start, but fear my
paltry efforts at poetry and reminiscences don't
qualify as Lowlands oriented, coming as they do from a
purely West Coast of North America lass...albeit with
Appalachian roots. Truly, there is naught in 'em can
be pegged to even that region, much less the original
Scots homeland.
But I sure am enjoying being witness again to the give
and take here and am stunned by the beauty of the
photos posted thus far.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Website
It's our Marsha! Lovely to hear from you.
Marsha, I can understand why you feel somewhat hesitant. But I assure you
that there's no reason for it at this end.
- It's not a competion.
- We're not expecting "professional"-level works.
- We want Marsha's creation to have Marsha's personal stamp on it. In
other words, individuality is the key, and this applies to everyone.
- The theme is "My Lowlands," and it is to be expressed in any form
that can be put online, and it may be in any language and dialect. You don't
need to use a Lowlands language, though I assume you, Marsha, will if you
use English. Remember: English, any English falls into this category.
- If anyone needs language and/or editing help, all they need to do is
send an appeal to the List. The same goes for anyone who wants to run their
works by friendly and supportive eyes or ears before submitting them. Also,
you may ask for technical assistance.
- Collaboration between two or more Lowlanders is fine, as is
collaboration with one or two non-members as long as the non-members do not
object to the member's name being displayed as the main one. Calls for
collaboration may be posted on the List.
- There is no set limit as to the number and size of one person's
contributions, but we would begin to cut you off if you gobbled up most our
server allocation or a file is so large that it takes people a long time to
download it.
Admissible formats:
- Text
- Graphic
- Audio
- Video
- Slide (preferably Microsoft PowerPoint and Star Office)
- Any combination of the above (multimedia)
Suggested media/genres:
- Written:
- Poetry
- Prose:
- Shortstories
- Essays
- Articles (including academic ones)
- Dramas
- Memoirs
- Diaries
- Novellas
- Graphic:
- Photographs
- Digital art
- Drawings
- Paintings
- Sheet music
- Audio:
- Narration
- Music
- Video:
- Any
- Slides:
- Plain (visual only)
- Multimedia
If I haven't covered it all here it doesn't mean that this is the limit of
it. Also, remember that any combination is fine as well.
All submissions ought to be sent under the subject line "LL-L Gallery".
Anyone may change or withdraw their display.
There will be a disclaimer saying that LL-L does not necessarily share
opinions expressed.
At any rate, don't hide your lights under bushels!
Thanks, Marsha dear, for having "gotten it" (the idea as well as the
"spirit") and for being at the forefront once again.
Take care out there!
P.S.: In case this still isn't understood about the website refurbishing
- Send graphics to lowlands.list at gmail.com under the heading "LL-L
- Submissions are displayed here: http://lowlands-l.net/pics/
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