LL-L 'Members' 2007.01.23 (01) [E]
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Wed Jan 24 00:16:49 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 23 January 2007 - Volume 01
From: jonny <jonny.meibohm at arcor.de>
Subject: LL-L 'Members'
Beste Ron,
today I had a trip through your Anniversary-Site and found out- our Piet
Bult isn't represented there any longer.
Why did you extinguish his "Introduction"? Meanwhile I fear that has been a
reason for him to to leave the list. I'm nearly sure you didn't do this
intentionally, did you?
If it's possible you should contact him about this...
Very best!
Johannes "Jonny" Meibohm
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Members
Hello, Jonny, and thanks for alerting me to the situation.
I am BCCing Piet on this so he knows what's going on.
As I told you in a private (Low Saxon) response right now, the fact that
Piet was missing from the said list had a very simply and inocuous reason, a
technical one. I recently had a computer crash at home (and it still isn't
fixed, hopefully will be this coming weekend). When I used the other
computer a couple of days later I (stupidly) did not update my files by
downloading them from the web, and I went ahead and edited a few older
versions of files. I believe that this happened rather that Mathieu and I,
often working on the same stuff in different places, undoing each others'
edits, which happened in the past. Furthermore, Piet was not the only person
missing from that list. I think that I have reconstructed it now. However,
should anyone else be missing, please contact me.
I sure hope that this was not the actual reason why Piet left LL-L. If it
was, I would be not only sad but also quite apalled, because it would
indicate to me that he didn't even know me a little bit and would have
assumed that I disliked him for some reason, which was never ever the case.
Furthermore, his farwell message did not indicate any of this. Had he
contacted me about this matter I would have either investigated it or would
have been able to tell him right there what the reason was, and then I would
have immediately rectified it and apologized to him about it.
As Lowlanders should know, I am absolutely not in the habit of ousting
people either overtly or surreptitiously. (If someone truly misbehaved I'd
give him or her plenty of warning first, which last happened quite a few
years ago). Anything else is simply not my modus operandi, and I do not get
involved in other people's battles. My "niceness" is not an act.
I have said this many times, and I say it again:
Should anyone find themselves unsubscribed or, as in this case, excluded
otherwise, it is definitely not deliberate doing one my or another team
member's part. It probably has a technical reason and can be easily fixed.
All it takes is contacting us. It's as simple as this.
Furthermore, let me repeat this:
There is not a single person on Lowlands-L that I dislike or wish was gone.
Thanks again, Jonny.
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