LL-L 'Website' 2007.01.24 (05) [E]
Lowlands-L List
lowlands.list at GMAIL.COM
Wed Jan 24 23:58:34 UTC 2007
L O W L A N D S - L * ISSN 189-5582 * LCSN 96-4226
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A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
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S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)
L O W L A N D S - L - 23 January 2007 - Volume 05
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Website
Dear Lowlanders,
Let's not forget our website activities!
Main Site (lowlands-l.net/):
Please remember that we (mostly our Mathieu) will "refurbish" this site to
harmonize visually with the other sites. We are inviting (permissible)
graphics submissions until February 15. What we need is (1) pictures (single
or composite) that represent the Lowlands as a whole, and (2) those that
represent the various language areas. At the temporary site
lowlands-l.net/pics/ you can see what we have so far and what is still
needed. I believe the greatest challenge is the representation of English.
Whoever comes up with that one deserves some sort of "prize." Please send
your submissions to lowlands.list at gmail.com under the subject line "LL-L
Gallery Site (lowlands-l.net/gallery/):
We need exhibit submissions for this site, preferably under the general
theme "My Lowlands." This may be written or spoken (recorded) material,
either belles lettres or "academic." This may include "artful" (i.e.
non-literal) translations. It may also be anything in the visual arts area,
including video. Or it may be a combination of all of the above
(multimedia). At any rate, it must be works created by or in collaboration
with Lowlands-L members. Please send your submissions to
lowlands.list at gmail.com under the subject line "LL-L Gallery", and submit
with the first one a brief introduction of yourself, preferably also a
Anniversary Site (lowlands-l.net/anniversary/):
This site enjoys a fair bit of international attention and what looks like
popularity in some circles. It is our most visited presentation. What we
need for it on an ongoing basis are translations of the story, recorded
narration of the translations, and personal introductions of LL-L members.
(If you wish you may have identical introductions at this site and at the
gallery site. At any rate, they will be linked with each other.) Currently
we are two translations short of 200! Who will provide No. 200? I understand
that a few translations are in the works, though they are not in Lowlands
varieties. It would be great to increase the number of translations into
Lowlands varieties as well. It doesn't matter if there is a translation in
your language or dialect already. No two translations are alike, and the
motto is "the more, the merrier." If you can't create a translation or
narration yourself, perhaps you can act as a "facilitator" by recruiting
someone else, on or off the List. Please submit any such material to
lowlands.list at gmail.com under the subject line "LL-L Anniversary", and also
write to that address under the same subject line if you need any relevant
information. (Feel free to use another language if you aren't confident
enough to write in English.)
Tomorrow I'll have lunch with a friend that is a native Levantine Arabic
speaker. I'll take my digital recorder with me in any case. "Always
prepared" is not only a scout's motto.
Get busy, folks!
Thanks in anticipation!
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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