LL-L "Travels" 2007.07.23 (04) [E]
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Mon Jul 23 16:43:28 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 23 July 2007 - Volume 04
From: Sandy Fleming <sandy at scotstext.org>
Subject: LL-L "Travels" 2007.07.22 (03) [E]
> From: "Roger Thijs, Euro-Support, Inc." <roger.thijs at euro-support.be>
> Subject: LL-L "Travel"
> When doing a day trip to Londen, calculate always some spare lost
> hours for heavy rain. One can use these for taking some food. Be
Unfortunately you came over at a time of extremely heavy showers here -
they're talking about breaking the 1947 record, which it seems is saying
Normally I wouldn't dream of taking an umbrella to London, since in the
city centre you're always within 100 yards of somewhere nice to go - and
if not, there's always the tube to take you somewhere else! The one time
I was caught in the rain in London I spent half an hour in St Paul's
Cathedral, but the rest of the day was hot and dry.
> prepared that the Mac's become overstuffed with wet bodies during
> rainy time. You cannot move there, don't speak about eating. So plan
> your places: the 5th floor restaurant in the Waterstones bookshop at
> Piccadilly is too far for rain fugitives. So is the M&S restaurant in
> Oxford street, since one has to choose between waiting 10 mins for the
> elevator or zigzagging to the staires at the end of the ground floor,
> and zigzagging back to the restaurant on the 1st floor. The reward: a
> quit seat, eatable food for a normal price (They serve even Belgian
> Duvel beer in the Waterstones restaurant)
The Ice Wharf in Camden Town serves Fruli, that Belgian strawberry beer.
One idea for eating cheaply is to go to Camden Market where there are
all sorts of stalls selling all sorts of food from all parts of the
Sandy Fleming
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