LL-L "Travels" 2007.07.24 (02) [E]
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Tue Jul 24 22:40:32 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 24 July 2007 - Volume 02
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Travels
Re.: lowlands-l.net/travels/
Dear Lowlanders,
I just added another food-related article to the Travel site:
Aside from the food and travel information, there is some language-related
information, especially the one in the green box that deals with etymology.
(You need to scroll down about halfway to find it.)
As always, comments and suggestions are welcome, be it privately or on the
If you do respond to this posting, please try to separate topics by thread
Travel: "Travels"
Food: "Delectables"
Etymology: "Etymology"
I take it that most of you are busy writing stuff for this site, for the
Anniversary site (lowlands-l.net/anniversary/) and for the Gallery (
lowlands-l.net/gallery/). Remember that travel information needs not be this
elaborate. One or two paragraphs will do.
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