LL-L "Language maintenance" 2007.03.18 (01) [E]

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Sun Mar 18 21:54:13 UTC 2007


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 A=Afrikaans Ap=Appalachian B=Brabantish D=Dutch E=English F=Frisian
 L=Limburgish LS=Lowlands Saxon (Low German) N=Northumbrian
 S=Scots Sh=Shetlandic V=(West) Flemish Z=Zeelandic (Zeeuws)


L O W L A N D S - L - 18 March 2007 - Volume 01


From: Jonny Meibohm <altkehdinger at freenet.de>
Subject: LL-L "Language maintenance" 2007.03.17 (02) [E]

Beste Luc, Lowlanners,

Du schreyvst:

> A (slight) gender based schism shouldn't be ruled out however in my
opinion. I once read in a professional journal that linguistic innovation >
(in western societies) is more readily adopted and transferred by women than
by men, so it wouldn't surprise me that middle class men (try > to) retain
their original speech longer than women do.

This is my opinion and experience, too.

I guess women liking to be 'trendy' in their younger years- very cautiously
said: they are more open-minded for innovations.

Many of my companions of the same age as myself weren't allowed to speak LS
within the house where mother ruled the scene but the boys, less the
girls, did with their father and workers etc. outside.
This heavily began, as often mentioned, after WW II. Many female refugees
from the Eastern parts of Germany who married their partner in the West were
nearly unable to understand or even to adapt the regiolect and so Standard
German entered faster into the families than it should have done under
normal circumstances. And again- in the daily life of the males this barrier
wasn't as big as within the families; after a short time the men who worked
together daily could well understand each others dialect. (Though- the LS
dialect of Eastern Prussia gave much stuff to make jokes about!)

But- today the situation seems to be different: the same,
now 'ripened' women who had been too lofty to speak LS in their youth often
are the ones to engage in preserving the small remains of what had been an
authentic language in the past, and miraculously the very young ones who
have to educate their little children more and more try to hand down some of
LS to them. It's trendy again!?


Jonny Meibohm



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