LL-L "Anniversary" 2007.05.18 (01) [E]
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Fri May 18 14:34:05 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 18 May 2007 - Volume 01
From: Gary Taylor <gary_taylor_98 at yahoo.com>
Subject: LL Anniversary
Hi Ron and all
I think meeting up would be a fun and good thing, I
just think that a meeting in New York, although it
might sound central to some, would be a world trip for
others. Being based in Berlin, even a trip back to
England would need to be planned. I think this would
be the problem with any mass meeting.
On a less ambitious scale, how about keeping a private
database of addresses for people that are willing, so
that if someone is going on holiday somewhere they can
consult the database, or ask the person who has the
database, to see if anyone from the list lives in the
area and then they could meet up privately. Or you
could consult the database to see if anyone just lives
in your area. It doesn't even have to be a full
address, just a town and email address or phone
number, and then arrangements for a meeting could be
made privately. I'd be happy for example to meet up
with anyone for a beer or two who's coming to Berlin
and perhaps give them a few pointers as to sights etc.
From: R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com>
Subject: Anniversary
Thanks, Gary. It's good to hear from you.
What you are proposing is roughly along the lines of my less ambitious
proposal of local subgroups.
I have the names, e-mail addresses and cities of people that joined during
the past few years, not those of people that joined in the early years. At
any rate, I guard them with my life and would not make them available for
this either.
So what I propose then is that anyone open to this should do the following:
- Send a message entitled "LL-L Contact" to:
- sassisch at yahoo.com and/or
- lowlands.list at gmail.com
- Containing the following:
- name
- e-mail address
- city, state, country
- (telephone number and other information optional)
I'll then compile a list and periodically post it. People that live in the
neighborhood of each other then have the option of contacting each other.
Those planning trips can contact those that live where they are going, and
they can meet or just give and get travel tips.
This way it's all limited to those that are open and willing.
Any other proposals or considerations?
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