LL-L "Traditions" 2007.10.17 (03) [E/S]
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Wed Oct 17 17:21:08 UTC 2007
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L O W L A N D S - L - 17 October 2007 - Volume 03
Song Contest: lowlands-l.net/contest/ (- 31 Dec. 2007)
From: Tom Mc Rae <t.mcrae at uq.net.au>
Subject: LL-L "Traditions" 2007.10.16 (06) [E]
On 17/10/2007, at 9:46 AM, R. F. Hahn <sassisch at yahoo.com > wrote:
Subject: Traditions
Where are the paranormal parables, the spine-chilling stories about
specters and the poems about eerie encounters with the unknown?
Let's scare the children at least! They love to be scared.
OK here's my contribution which I heard on BBC Scotland many years ago at
To be recited in a sonorous voice...
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in cam a pair o' braid braid feet an' stood them at the fire nairby
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in cam a pair o' braid braid legs an' set them oan thae feet nairby
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in cam a muckle braid braid boadee an' stuck itsel' oan the laigs nairby
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in cam a pair o'lang lang airms an' set thersels oant the laigs nairby
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in crawlt a pair o' hairy hauns an' jined thersels tae the airms nairby
An' e're she sat, an e're she wove an e're she wished fur company
An' in rollit a muckle bluidy heid an sat itsel' oan that boady nairby
She sed 'Hey Bogle whae are yew ?
Whoat cam Ye her the nicht tae dew ?
The Bogle groant, 'Ah've cum fur YEWWWWW!!!!!'
Of course at YEWWW you grab the victim with both hands.
Hey I must do that to local kids on night of 31st.
Tom Mc Rae
Brisbane Australia
Oh Wad Some Power the Giftie Gie Us
Tae See Oorsel's as Ithers See Us
Robert Burns
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